Easy Widow Fix: Poison Sniper shots

Personally I have found all pushmaps to have good cover and flank routes.

Junkertown adding cover was a complete joke though it’s like they don’t even try

I’ll remind you that flankers were nerfed for the same reason snipers should have been changed. Their counters were dramatically reduced since stuns got scaled back, and everyone who said stuns don’t really counter flankers quickly changed their tunes when they were scaled back, so that should tell everyone something.

You can’t buff flankers if their counters have been greatly reduced. However, I think there should be more stuns in the game. If there were just a bit more heroes with stuns or some other ways to counter mobility, then flankers COULD get a buff.

Not needed, one shots shouldn’t exist. The April fools experimental was fine. No need for her to heal.

There’s a lot of stats it would be really helpful to look at in detail. Overbuff’s reliability is spotty at best, but I think you might be able to find it there. Trustworthiness aside, you can get at least some bulk stats for individual heroes filtered to specific rank regions (as long as you don’t want console data, which isn’t offered in that menu subset). Still struck me as quite bizarre when I checked my individual stats on Overbuff sometime in the past couple months, and they were all consistent with Blizzard’s UI/webpages (at least where you had identical fields), but the scoped crit rate for Widow isn’t reported on Overbuff. There’s obvious caution flags with their bulk stats too, like pick rates not adding up to a consistent normalization point. So I wouldn’t fault you for not wanting to check OB at all.

I’d expect her elims to be lower for much the same reason her damage should be lower; Widow usually isn’t peppering the field with damage, so she’s directly participating in fewer kills. So unless that hypothesis were shown to be false, I’m not sure how much we could glean from it.

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The primary issue flankers are having rn is that unless it’s Tracer, it’s extremely difficult to burst down a target because of the healing and overpowered support cooldowns this game has. If the artificial sustain (and some of the burst damage creep too) was nerfed, the game would be in a way more healthy spot.

She was F tier. Sustain poison damage in this game can never work under any circumstances without there being an in-combat healing debuff.

I think I did a few days ago and, not entirely sure how accurate they are, she started at around 18 elims in ten minutes at Season 1, hovered 17-16 for awhile, and went to 15 for late Season 3 and to Season 4.
I am not entirely sure how accurate those stats are, however, since they were barely different all the way from Bronze to GM and that alone makes me feel like something isn’t right about the numbers.

But who knows.

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Don’t matter, one shots aren’t needed, it’s not fun. Being able to one shot 80% of the roster isn’t needed.

Well, the support role also doesn’t need to be completely busted, but here we are. I find oppressive supports infinitely more unfun than any one-shot can ever be

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That’s the point though. You’re not suggesting this for the health of the game; you’re just upset at one shots and so you want them gone.

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Everything said in this one’s reply is everything wrong with OP’s initial suggestion. Poison doesn’t feel apt for Widowmaker as a design path because healing is so volatile in this game already. It’s right to pursue more options for counter play for her otherwise, but it’s just not a path that works given the current state of the game.
I think for any design suggestions for her, they need to be two-tap solutions. Kind of like how the first shot is a “Hey! Pay attention dummy!” and the second punishes. I mentioned a suggestion in another thread, might just wind up creating a thread to compile it.

I think Widow would suffer greatly from this. Other heroes, like McCree or Ashe, can knock out two shots fast, but widow has to slowly charge her shot. She’ll likely never get a second shot, and that feeling would suck if you aim well, land a headshot, and are essentially penalized for it. You could always pick on low health targets, but will you ever get the chance? And who’d want to play her if you have to wait for your teammates to do all the work for you?

Yeah dot for normal charged shots, but allow her to one shot when her ult is active.

Headshots being one taps are aggravating the low ranks, come down to luck in the mid ranks, and see more caution in the high ranks. I think there’s a way to maintain that caution in the higher ranks while removing the aggravation and luck.

Thank you for providing a reasonable response to this suggestion. I see so many people instantly jump to “SHE WOULD BE WORTHLESS!” at the prospect of her oneshot having some counterplay, without even considering that the rest of her lackluster kit would definitely get buffs to compensate.

Personally, I like the idea of Widow being a bit more focused around her venom/poison aesthetic. She can still be THE sniper pick while still being more healthy for the game.

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