Earth-Shatter should insta-kill again

Charge should also do 300 Damage again.

If you’re within Face-Smashing distance of Mr. Face-Smash, you should get your Face-Smashed.

Haha no we have enough low skill ultimates


Many tanks need to be in face smashing distance in order to fight rein. They are the ones where the “insta-kill” or 300 dmg charge make a difference (most other heroes would die overkill anyway).

So, no. Rein has a barrier to get closer to the enemy and an easy primary which deals good chunks of dmg anf provide pretty consistent dmg.
Plus the passive which helps him to stay in fash-smashing distance.

Anyone that Rein earthshatters point blank is pretty much guaranteed dead with swing/firestrike/pin anyways

Charge only does 225 Damage now. It should do at bare minimum 300 to kill all Squishes, except for Bastion. Mei, Reaper and Torbjorn can all survive a Charge + Pin and use their GTFO Abilities to live.

Plus you still need to be as close to Reinhardt as possible for Earth-Shatter to kill you.

But Reaper and Mei are the ones which need to be close to Rein in order to fight him.

It really seems intentional that those 2 survive his charge. Otherwise it could have been 250.
Thus, 225 is still enough to punish everyone who should not be close (including Cassidy who has 225).

Torb might be an exception because of his absolutely huge hitbox and critbox and the armor (for the same reason).

And bastion is pretty fat, too. Charging a bastion does not sound pretty good anyway.