๐”—๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”’๐”ณ๐”ข๐”ฏ๐”ช๐”ฌ๐”ง๐”ฆ โ„ญ๐”ž๐”ฃรฉ โ˜•

Which font do I use from the โ€œWeird texto generatorโ€ to the introduction of this thread? :thinking:

When SunsetHippo changed their icon from cute Zarya to cute McCree i was confused.

So you remember me with this icon? The thing is that ppl might think I am a genji main or whatever which I am not ( actually I have like less than 20 min on him)

Same here.

I always saw u with that green icon and now itโ€™s reyes. I was like is it really silentsword?

Tbh until you just said so, i had no clue that the icon related to genji

I mean when I see the Icon instantly know itโ€™s you cause itโ€™s the only one Iโ€™ve seen you with

I tend to remember you by your name. At first I see โ€œswordโ€ who in the game has a sword? Genji. I thought you were a fellow Genji main

Yeah I was gonna change it back cause Iโ€™ve used it for so long

You guys can just remember me by which pachimari would fit the season. Anniversary will obviously be the golden one

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YEA! Iโ€™ve met so much SilentSwords in game and it gets me so confused. Thankfully I friended him so its easier to identify. I should friend everyone but I canโ€™t right now. But you all can add me.


I was, simply because my name suggested itโ€ฆ but then I found Hanzo

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So Ivan ill use the blackwatch icon okay?

I would add you if i was PC

Any fellow Xbox players can add me @FiddlyBiscuits

yeah sure. I was just saying in the game I am using blackwatch icon but itโ€™s not sync with forums

I sent you a friend request

Are you on the EU servers? Im on the America servers ;-;

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Well I should add that when I first started playing QP I was a Bastion main and it didnโ€™t take long to rack up hours on him.

Youtube made me a Genji main and with my battletag I felt it was my calling in lifeโ€ฆ But one fateful day I decided to play Hanzo for the memesโ€ฆ andโ€ฆ well the rest is history.

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haha rip America might lag a ton idk

Heres the meme bois. This meme is so unfunny and immature of me.

Sacred Image
