The overmoji café: re

AH… Those things…

Chibi currently lacks both of those specific things.
(Homeschooled, but i’m out of that now anyways so “school” doesn’t mean anything to me. I constantly study everything anyways.)

I would love to find work in some kind of engineering field though.
I’m pretty good with design, especially in a three dimensional sense.
(Or possibly 3D Modelling, such as for game creation.)

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Work for Blizzard =3

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  • Bastion now has the only successful ult on E Rework.
  • Mercy can mass rez.
  • Reinhardt wields two hammers while charging.
  • Sym and Hanzo are reverted and tweaked.

Yea… I would probably mess a few things up.

Oh, and we now have guilds, which include player number uncapped customized skirmish lobbies.
(Blizz… Work with me here… we NEED That… imagine all the emotes.)

Basically i would turn this game into an FPS MMO.
And it would be Fabulous.

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Alright guys,let’s do this👌

OK, Jell, let’s do this.

Also tomorrow it’s Satsuki. ;))))))))) …Get it…?

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Evaluate your life day?

Evaluation complete.

Evaluation: Sucks to be me.
Somebody kill me

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May I apply to kill you?

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Please do.
Your application will automatically be accepted, and you can not be turned down due to age or physical health.

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Did… Did anyone get my pun…? SATsuki…???

I’ve evaluated my life and i watch a lot of anime and read a lot of manga (maybe too much) but i’m okay with that though because i enjoy those things a lot and i wouldn’t have it any other way, at least in comparison to non anime i’d say anime takes up 90% of my media, good quality stuff though, not that ecchi junk.

And no i don’t judge people for watching it but i’m of the opinion that it’s junk.

No…i’m confused…:expressionless:

Saturdaysuki… Satsuki… Get it now… … … …?

No, i don’t understand the pun, sorry for my ignorance.

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Oh. Well then… You might get it someday, just look for anime characters named Satsuki, and you might find it.

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Evaluate your life?


Like is a strong word. I enjoy some anime related content, like 10%. The other 90%, like most things, is a load of rubbish. That’s why it’s nice to find that 10%.

It looks shoddy if i’m being honest. it’s trying to do the dynamic switch mechanic like Fighterz, but it doesn’t translate to 3D very well. If the roster isn’t good then it’s probably gonna be a hard pass from me.

Well, last J-Stars had Johnathan and Part 2 Joseph so we’ll probably see them again. Jotaro and DIO would probably take priority considering Part 3 is the most well-known. They can only use characters up to part 6 because 7-8 isn’t Jump.

I’m not. It depresses me (which admittedly isn’t very hard to do) that one of the most well-written and beautifully drawn Manga of all time gets shafted while complete garbage gets a pass. Then again, people make the argument it’s unadaptable due to the sheer level of detail in the manga, but people also said that about Jojo soooo.

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True but i’ve learned once you start searching that there’s plenty of good anime/manga, i could actually name hundreds of titles that are good, obviously i haven’t watched all of those hundreds of titles but they’re certainly there when i really try and look for them.

I certainly think the graphics are a step up from the usual anime games, some people may not like the style but i find it to be perfectly fine for everyone except kurapika, it feels like they cut cornors when making his model lol, and from a gameplay prospective it doesn’t look clunky in terms of the combat itself, also i agree they didn’t implement the switching well but at the same time i’m not sure if it matters much to switch since all 3 characters share one health bar, although that might be another problem in itself.

I agree that it will probably be a pass for me too if the roster isn’t good but judging by prior character announcements they seem to be announcing all the right characters so far.

I’m not entirely sure about that since super sayian blue is in the game but ether way i’d be fine with that since half the roster would be filled with jojo protagonists, that’s not necessarily a bad thing but i at least want some variance in the game.

To be fair i believe even sword art online got a crappy adaptation in comparison to the source material itself but you do have a point, in the end it depends who gets the rights and if they feel like actually making a quality adaptation, hell even kyoto animation would have made a better berserk adaptation then the present studio.

Also there was this adaptation from the 90’s at least that was fairly good.

I evaluate my life everyday whenever I go to work. I work in retail (young fashion to classic fashion) for 9 hours a day. I’m on my feet that whole time.

The worst are customers who come in, dig through a neatly piled shelf, drop things on the floor, and then walk out.

Do they do this at home too? I mean, I know in retail you expect that and it’s part of the job – but c’mon, Brenda. You don’t have to be that way.

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Make me.'t_I_killed_you_before.ogg


Oml I literally died with that VL…
Guess this’ll be the second time that I’ve died by your hands.
But someone had to do it, so thx Senpai.

I’ll come to your house just to make it untidy.

You have been warned.