The overmoji café: re

Yeah i noticed the locked icon next to the edit in your image, i have no clue how to fix it though so i guess hope for the best, or the worst, it could go ether way.

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I got some news

Apparently I have reached the maximum number of edits. I didn’t even know that was a thing lmao

They said they will give more information when with their investigation


Sup squadfam

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Did you click the link? :3

What link? That cannon link? No.

(Also isn’t it too late to be awake, Ivan?)

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It’s 11 am

Also I swear the link is ok. It’s about overhaul

Lmgtfy is a known website. It means:

Let me Google that for you

Ahh, I clicked that LMGTFY link, yes. That’s also the reason why I felt so terrible after… I disrespected my friends, and I was generally just being an idiot.

(Oh you don’t live in the US I forgot–)

So what did you think?
Was it fun xD

You can make your own here:

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It was fun. :’) I’ll try to make one now. ^^

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I have just made this one

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Oh boye, a mada mada meme…

I’m currently trying to make mine fit inside the google box, but you can just click the google link and find it–

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It’s true and I hate it.
Also I type faster than that, I’m just not woke enough to type faster.

If anyone asks you a dumb question. Lmgtfy is the go to website xD

EDIT: your link:

LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You.

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I’ll remember that lmao.

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You dream as you are him is it?

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Yes. It happens every time, including yesterday… Kirishima was with me IN MY HOME.

(Also I dislike Bakugo, btw.)

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What iz a loöòp?!?!?!

I’m replying to this because I don’t feel like infinite scrolling

We can go back now

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Good news!

I can edit the thread again!