The overmoji café: re

And a beautiful edit it is.

Now if only we could put Gifs on shirts…


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Goodnight everyone👌

Sleep well

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The improvements that salty made to the menu are amazing!

Absolutely amazing.



I love how it’s sorted by hero now…

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It’s really slick.

I’m just now seeing it because I spend most of my overmoji time in the Discord


Ey thanks Astro <3

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さようなら。- Yuzuka :white_flower:


Hey good to see you😊

C’mon, just translate the message and say your goodbyes. It’s not meant to be some inspirational quote. — Or friendly sweet “Ohh hi again” message thing.

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Hey cool, my Mr. Kitty is black :]

Aww that’s cute☺️


Where are you going ;-;

This forum just disgusts me. All the whining idiots, complaining about everything. There’s nothing positive here. Now, every few minutes, I have this reflex where I open the forums. But when I open, I just get this sense of disgust and close it down. This is not a good place for me to be if I feel such disgust for it.

I should leave.


I have the perfect solution for you!

Show them this!
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That Moira doesn’t cheer me up. In fact, it’s kinda annoying now. Sorry.

But I guess this is life,

I found a place where I could express myself, then I realized all the flaws, the whining, the… It’s just… Not healthy for me. It’s not fun. The things that made me happy vanished. I’m left looking at a dry desert, suffocating in the dust.

But… This is life, I guess. And so I must accept my path, and leave.


I wasn’t exactly trying to cheer you up, just giving you a tool. Oh well.

Too bad you can’t join us in the Discord. Maybe ask your mom again?

You know I got scammed for my hard work and time, don’t you? Another reason why I’m soon taking off. It’s no use to post useless links that you have to copy paste — Besides, no one cares about those links, do they?

And I will get a no, trust me.


Wait, hold your horses

I enjoy our little chats we have though👌

Haven’t regretted any of them☺️

You mean the level 3 part? Is that really THAT important? And yeah, I click those links when I’m not on mobile, I’m curious.

Also there’s no need for you to spend so much time in the forums if you don’t enjoy it, but you could still check every so often…

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She is right.

Heck even I have some trouble here, but here’s one thing you can remember👌

Even if you help just one person feel better a day, it’s all worth it.

Jelly makes sure to help at least one person.

All you need is one, and trust me there are more then a few good people one here😂ñ❤️

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