The overmoji café: re

And why do you think you lose?

There are different strong characters on different maps

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Because of horrible matchmaking. But which characters are strong on CTF: Busan?

Busan? Mei and Road with Moira. Lucio is unneeded because of how much low space there is. Symmetra works too

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Happy Opposite Day! Isn’t it just, terrible?

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I am feeling super bad and I am not in the Overwatch Forums not saying that

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I don’t care at all.

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Pink Reaper shouldn’t be added as a skin

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How the hIll do people succeed in Mercy One Punch??? Everyone else’s range is HUUUGEE meanwhile I have to be up someone’s bootay to actually even have a 1% chance of hitting them, which they will 99% of the time dodge. What the hIll???

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Important topic today: Moving this topic so I can talk better about it

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I just saw it. XD


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Well be sure to comment on it.

I want to make my own comments on the patch soon under the same vid I just posted. But My dog really needs to get out of the house.

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We have a new Barista!

✢ ✥ ✦ ✧ ❂ ❉ ✱ ✲ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ❈ ✮ ❉ ✱ ✺ ✢

Someday I’ll be the technical staff. I love stats and bot stuff

Posted one with my thoughts and deleted the other :Fish: My Own Thoughts and others Like Pro TVIQ and BTC about the Current Balence

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I made a “sequel” to the balance log:

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Update 🛰 Goodman talks about Nerfs and Buffs (Updated with New Video(s) about this Topic. Ironic?)

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this barista doesnt have a forum account, ivan

can I be the thread’s barista?

apply on discord in #server-announcments

it does have requirements though keep that in mind

okie then. I guess I will wait until youre looking for someone with my expertise