The overmoji café: re

Its also national chocolate souffle day


morning senpai ivan uwuwuwuwuwu


It’s 10pm but sure I guess xD

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That was one of the days in the poll :slight_smile:

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Where do I see this poll? Did I just skip over it?


It is everyday in the Discord server on the main channel

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Only 20 days left for the redraw challenge!
Sorry guys

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Hey Callie!

Is there any progress on the character limit? ^^
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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@everyone you’re decent I guess
happy world compliment day


i bit late since i got it a day or more ago but i finally obtained enough comp points for symmetra’s golden gun, next stop is probably hammond’s golden gun.

You are all beautiful.
*Blows kiss *


I was going to think of a rhyme for today but im not a writer soo

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Isnt much of a writer
Though on a doss
I really feel lighter
Here is a rhyme
For JacobThatBoss


Hey, don’t forget about the Marine Biologist Mei fanskin redraw challenge, only 17 days left: Closing the thread

And how’s Baptiste?

(Just a cool fight I saw posted today) (skip to past 50 secs)

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Still mad with Hearthstone… cost way too much to play. (Not a good long term investment either, and the youtubers around it are the worst.) (Honestly that game needs to phase out while it can before it cost more then it’s worth, and I am not talking about money in that last part.)

Better investment:

264 votes and 46 comments so far on Reddit
(If partner with Cheerios to lower heart “bad” stuff (sorry about to fall asleep, mind shutting down)… bet you guys would sell even more. Plus that would have even more benefits.)


I’ve been returning to my ds and 3ds games lately, here’s some bravely default music

“A Whicher There Was”

A Whicher there was,
long ago,
nestled in home and sheltered from snow.
Whichever it was, and Whichever it’d go,
To forums and internet posts it’d know.

But Whaters and Whoers and Whyers galore,
Would howl and shriek and cackle and roar
At the posts 'till they grew quiet and thought, ‘What a bore! Whatever, Who cares, and Why isn’t there more?’

But the Whicher stays quiet, be as it may,
that while the other Ers argue and moan in dismay,
and the forums all fall into disarray
-The Whicher will wait until Archives Day.


I made a new hero concept, make sure to look at it


I love that and I love you

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