D.Va used to be the Zarya of tanks

Remember back even before Goats era D.Va was like the best tank in the game. I mean she used to get played a lot and at all ranks too! Even before she got her micro missiles D.Va was in like every game. Idk why I’m bringing this up. I like to reminisce about old OW days during anniversary events.

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Ultimately the main problem with D.Va lies within professional play. The developers have to choose between her being overpowered in OWL or being underpowered on ladder. Given the choice, they lean towards the ladder.


yeah I forgot about that. She was played even more in OWL that first season I think? Crazy how things change.

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She was actually quite a bit stronger back then; not just a better meta fit or anything like that. The introduction of Micro Missiles made her more fun and deadly, but it definitely didn’t match the power level of the 4(?) seconds worth of Defense Matrix juice she had before that.


just once i want the roadhog to be the old d.va of tanks :stuck_out_tongue:

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oh we’re going way back in time now :rofl:

Micro missile Dva was arguably stronger then 4s defense matrix Dva, alteast on the highest lvl. Dva didnt just got played to defense matrix, her being a threat and being able to permaflank and contest Dps on offangles was one of her biggest strenghts

Micro missile + the abillity to shoot while using boosters made it much easier for her to contest offangles and flank, the key role she had

I don’t think an ability that does 126 dmg in total if you hit all of them (and is inaccurate) is stronger than losing twice the duration of one of, if not THE strongest ability in the game.

Oh yeah I remember this though!

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1.: Old missiles did 162 damage

2.: Its not about the damage of the abillity alone, its about the fact that you can use it as the same time like your primary

3.: Old missiles did ~100 damage per second, now combine that with the damage 8f her primary and you get damage on full charge Zarya lvl (This isnt even overexaggerated)

Dvas primary does if you hit every shot 140dps, thisbobviesly rarely happens but you also usually aim at the head, so I think expecting 100dps with good aim is fair, wich would mean you hit half your shots and some of then in head

100Dps from her primary is not that high, 100dps from her missiles is also not very high, but 200dps from both together is extremely high, its more then a full charge Zarya

4.: It didnt only come with boosters, it also come with the abillity to shoot during booster.

1.: Booster negates the novement penalty of her primary
2.: Boosters do direct damage (25 in the past)
3.: Dva was able to shoot people wjile she was flying onto them, means you had muxh less time to react

We just talked about the high damage of boosters + missiles together, now include the 25 boop damage + 30 melee damage. Its ~350 damage in 1.5 seconds, deleting every squishy with good aim

So: Old dva did 150 damage in 1.5 seconds, missile dva 350 damage.

This is like trying to kill someone as Zarya with 0 energy and trying to kill someone as Zarya with 100 energy (actually bigger)

Missiles at a tank also gave ~12% ult charge in the past, means you got your bomb much faster too

This conpletely changed the Dps Meta, because new Dva was able to kill a Soldier through his selfhealing (He was Meta at the time) and made Dva an big threat if she had her CDs

So: Pro players didnt used DM for full 4s that often anyway, but now had a tool to conpletely control flanks

Dive and Spam comps are all about controlling all 3 lanes, Dva with missiles made it so much harder to contest a lane on your own for hitscans, so the team with Dva had an immense advantige in terms of map control wich OW is all about

So while its arguable what of the 2 is stronger, she really didnt got weaker through this rework and even if not by much

Hey, remember the time when DVa’s Defense Matrix was a 2 second ability on a 6 second cd? Once you pressed the button, you couldn’t stop it and had to wait for the cd. Also, you better run for cover as Baby DVa cause your own ult KILLED YOU! Also, no missiles.

Ah good times.

Oh, how I miss the days when she was very nearly a main tank.

If one thing can make me warm slightly to the idea of 5v5 and all the balancing upheaval it shall bring, it’s the assurance that they’re boosting Matrix and her defensive power again :relaxed:

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