DVA | New Passive Ability

I say give her the Torb treatment and shrink her head critbox a bit.

It’s the only critbox in game that’s at the center of a large character model, and aiming for it doesn’t have any repercussions because if you miss slightly, you just hit more of her mech.

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I agree that dva need buffs, maybe even after the latest PTR change, but to be honest, I don’t think it’s should be in form of a passive ability, when they can just tone done the size of her critbox and play around with her healthpool.

I really think it really doesn’t has to be so complex.

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I’m not reducing it the hitbox… for her critical… I’m giving 20% damage away from her critical allowing her to Dive Hanzo/Widow easier. Reducing the hitbox… is good but I don’t like the idea.

I like this change. Her model is easier to head shot while this makes that a bit less impactful, It’s geared towards characters she already counters (hit scan, and projectile), while leaving her equally vulnerable to beam weapons… I’d say let’s try it out.

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I know! This idea is healthy for overwatch. Every time D.Va is in a meta the game is healthy… but without D.Va in the meta this game has gotten crazy.

Although I like the fact that beam weapons would still be the best to deal with her.
I think it would make widow and maybe hanzo after some nerfs have a really really hard time dealing with her.

20%? she should have her crit severely reduced or simply removed. Her crit is literally on the same height as most heroes are aiming at so its super easy to hit her for over 100 damage on some heroes like Cree or Hanzo.


Beam characters are a healthy for D.Va! But Hanzo and Widow and mecree shouldn’t be able to kill her too easily. This is why my idea should be looked at.

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It’s a dangerous route to make her a must pick again.
So I doubt they’ll ever do this.
Sorry bro, looks good on paper though.

It’s not that close, nor is her spread that wide. At 126 damage direct impact, D.va’s missiles put her above other Tank-based damage abilities and can be combined with DM and LMB fire along with Boosters. That’s a lot of forward damage burst.

Much of this is really irrelevant to the discussion, since her critical hit box is specifically placed such that additional balancing factors had to be included. Pilot form is another element of balancing and a nice perk for what she’s capable of.

Would this also carry over to de-meched Dva as well?

It’s specifically for her mech according to OP

Why not let her rez in mech and have this passive? It’s a great idea that helps combat one of her core issues.

No… because she didn’t die in the mech. I don’t know how y’all can’t comprehend that lol

The problem with just reducing the size of the critbox is that its underlying problem still exists: it’s low risk-high reward.
No risk even, because you don’t take any risk aiming for it, you’ll still hit her body if you miss it.
In the current situation, she feels like a 300HP dive hero.

Reducing the bonus damage (or outright removing the critbox) lowers the reward to an appropriate level.

I agree she’d need a healthpool change with this, to get lower total health. I like 100/400, as it changes nothing for beam heroes compared to the current situation.

Dont reduce the critbox… just make D.va not take 20% of that damage. Thats what my idea was.

I’m saying a Pro team, will protect theyr mercy during rezz.
a Trash team will let her die.

We do not need to buff her just bc a team of bronzies let her mercy die, bc a Team of GM’s would never allow that, and thats where we should balance around.

Or do you want to balance tracer around bronze players with 5% Accuracy? bc thats how you create monsters…

The Majority of OW players are NOT pros.

Dva is a powerful hero. She has been tethered to heals.
Think of Mercy’s heal beam as a leash.

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