D.VA: Matrixed Damage = Ult Charge

D.va has been really lacking in self-sustain abilities outside of her Ultimate. And the more the game has moved towards reducing Ult charge, the more it hits her (And Winston).

Was thinking about that Winston buff on ExpCard. Where shooting his Bubble gives Ult charge. So he could use his selfhealing Ultimate more often. Why not do something similar for D.va.


Defence Matrix

  • 10% of damage absorbed converted into Ultimate charge for D.va.
  • Absorbing an enemy Ultimate grants D.va 50% Ultimate charge (exactly when the Voiceline would activate).

Results: D.va can use her Ultimate more often (Exciting), but she can do it in an “earned” way. Also the ability to gobble up a Graviton Surge, and flip it back into a D.va bomb, would be beautiful. And would provide a really solid sence of impact and playmaking, when combined with those “Ate an Ultimate” voicelines. Another benefit of this, is that similar to a Zarya bubble, it makes the enemy team more cautious to just unload all their supressive focus-firepower at D.va for whenever the matrix is up, so that when it drops she’s gonna get hit. It’s also just a fun gameplay mechanic for D.va users who aren’t in the enemy’s faces all the time.

Also at request, here’s some additional ideas for Pilot D.va:

Pilot D.va

  • Rightclick charges up a power-shot on her Blaster, similar to the default pistol in Doom 2016.
  • Shift is a Roll ability similar to McCree, but… just a roll.


  • When D.va has 100% Ultimate charge and is in the spawn room, she can:
    • Exit MEKA to Pilot D.va at will by pressing Q
    • Re-enter her MEKA from Pilot D.va at will by pressing Q
  • When exiting her MEKA, she is granted 100% Ultimate charge for “Call Down Mech”. And she maintains this ultimate charge if she then leaves the Spawn room. Allowing her to “Call Down Mech” whenever.
  • Self-Destruct Ultimate charge is unaffected.
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Quick question… how would ults like Whole Hog work? Would it grant significantly more ult charge then usual when eating the bullets? Or would you just get insta ult for one? Same with similar ultimates like Barrage.

This is absolutely not what she needs. I do expect a similar ability of passive on a new hero in the future though.


Fair point, I should probably be specific to Mei Ult and D.va Ult, and if there’s any other singular projectile Ults I can’t think of.

Would just be damage from those other Ults.

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Off topic, but you’re only 1 post away from 3,000.

That’s a decent amount of posts.


It’s honestly a horrible addiction. I barely even play this tepid game anymore yet I cannot look away from these forums.

Falcon up there has about five trillion posts. Can you imagine?


Actually now that I think about it, it couldn’t hurt to just give full Ult charge from those, when the voiceline activates.

Would have more oomph.

It’s not like she can cast multiple Ults by the time their Ult isn’t over yet.

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Some changes:

  • 10% of damage mitigated converts to ult charge.

Dont include ultimates.

This will make dva more than strong enough. 30% is way too excessive. Balance should be incremental and around margins not big swings. Otherwise an oppressive hero follows suite.

On the other hand…I would prefer they make a little more out of babydva other than a bare bare bones hero.

Edit: Updates

I feel like the first part is fine but getting 100% ult charge from eating ults would be too much.

You’re probably right. My sense of scale may be way off on this one.


Pilot D.va

  • Rightclick charges up a power-shot on her Blaster, similar to the default pistol in Doom 2016.
  • Shift is a Roll ability similar to McCree, but… just a roll.


  • When D.va has 100% Ultimate charge and is in the spawn room, she can:
    • Exit MEKA to Pilot D.va at will by pressing Q
    • Re-enter her MEKA from Pilot D.va at will by pressing Q
  • When exiting her MEKA, she is granted 100% Ultimate charge for “Call Down Mech”. And she maintains this ultimate charge if she then leaves the Spawn room. Allowing her to “Call Down Mech” whenever.
  • Self-Destruct Ultimate charge is unaffected.
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:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: thank you so much!

What do you think about the second Pilot D.va thing? Dis-Embark/Re-Embark?

Oh lawd have Mercy, that would be insane. Nukes and MoaBs left and right. I don’t DISLIKE the idea.

Back to making April fools patches?


Imo a 12m Defense Matrix (or a wider width) is more up her alley so she can cover and protect her team more.

Also I can see these changes making Echo duplicating her all that more abusable.

It’d also reinforce the preset of needing a barrier and immortality field even more without Echo’s involvement to block D.Va’s constant bombing efforts.

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I love the idea of matrixed damage becoming ult.

Every other matrix has a quirk to it except dva’s, so this would give her a unique ability while also encouraging proper use of the matrix.


Wait, what is the other matrix besides the Sigma succ and Dva eat?

I like this idea. I don’t know about the 100% ult charge for eating an ult. But I would say that maybe giving a good chunk for eating ults like grav and tracer bomb before they go off would be reasonable. It’s a nice reward for skillful gameplay. Eating a damage ult like rocket barrage or whole hog would probably put you to full charge pretty quickly.