D.Va buff is underwhelming

So according to your logic, Hanzo should be gutted now too as he has been dominating the META for the last months?


I’m not languishing. I’m stating the instances where D.Va was not meta or even particularly good because you seem to think they do not exist.

Why are you whatabouting me

It wasn’t
Also, no hero is ever needed to be gutted. Toned down, yes, heroes need to be toned down occasionally. But no hero should be intentionally eviscerated.

Ok sis it’s been months so

Didn’t say they had to.


Armour doesn’t solve the real problem, it only covers over it: Nearly every shot is a crit shot, so her effective HP is nowhere near the actual 600hp number. A simple fix would be to remove her mech critbox, so you actually have 600 effective HP.


Zoom Zoom !
/20 char

Lol at this line right here. Lets completly drop d.va out of the discussion for now and let me ask you this: How many Heroes (again lets exclude d.va from this) have received changes that just plain don’t make sense? How many decisions have blizzard made that you just shake your head at? Because I am just going to take an educated guess here and say that the vast majority of people playing this game have seen decisions that make them question blizz. Just because they are devs doesn’t mean they know everything.

You bring up hanzo and I think there are most certainly times where you didn’t agree or think the direction where he was heading. So why is that any different?


Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean its wrong.

Every player wants blizzard to balance to apprease them so when they dont they complain.

It’s normal among gaming communities.

So just because you dont agree with us wanting D.va buffed doesnt means that we are wrong, see? Not that difficult


Just because you believe something doesn’t make it right. The worst thing that blizzard can do is take the route that removes them from the rest of the community entirely and that is exactly where the “you think you want this but you actually don’t mindset” leads. Yes yes there is the other extreme but of the two its by far more dangerous to go into this extreme as it is much harder to recognize/admit that you are experiencing the problem of being to stubborn/prideful than it is to realize you are lacking in confidence or are listening to much.

Which is why I hope they are more cautious with things that agree with there stance rather than those that disagree.

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Okay. But you have an awful lot of comments about how hanzo has been “destroyed” with the little slap on the wrist he got.

So I guess daddy blizzard only knows best when it’s not your main.


Dayuum bro, you got him there, now he is going to ask you to stop replying to him

He didnt get destroyed but the nerf sucks due to having to relearn aim.

But perhaps it is a needed nerf.

I have a very bad feeling about Dva … because the same thing happened with Orisa or Mei in the past:

‘‘we don’t want to give her a buff to solve the problem, so we’re going to give them small arrangements and mini-buffs every 1 or 2 patches’’

… until the meta changed/new heroes came out and booom!!! OMG Orisa is super strong the only viable tank, wow Mei is super OP and oppressive I can’t play this game anymore nerf them pls omg this is terrible the worst devs in the world omg!!!

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And blizzard the “soldier and genji are fine because they got lul winrates and they’re as good as mei” does? The same company that immediately gutted symmetra on all aspects after she got one beam bugfix so she became even worse than pre-fix, but still hasn’t been able to balance Hanzo properly after one and half year?

Nah. Just about everyone knows that this game’s balance is massive joke. I’m personally tired of watching them balance Dva awfully since 2016 and any and all feedback falling to deaf ears, despite us predicting each time how the results turn out.

Can’t forget being told to “escort the riptires/genji ulting” around when we didn’t like how poorly they were balancing her. The current result is completely unplayable dva that they’re giving some joke buffs to, ay I guess.


Never said they were perfect but i prefer they dont bend to the whims of the players.

Personally, I’ve started to miss the ye olden days of apparently DMing junkrat and genji ults.

Dva mains have been right every single time. Remember what the main complaint was during that time? “We don’t want to be a DM bot.”

Took the rest of the community a few months to figure out that DM bot was fun for no one. But they still complain about the megathreads to this day, even though there was like, 17 million topics of us warning them.

But whatever. Enjoy the queue time and the constant broken hanzo arrow spam I guess.


It’s not the whims of the dva players they’re bending for, oh no. Bunch of changes were made because “it’s not fun to play against this and that/that thing is so oppressive” when it came between a dps player and their potg moment. Or when Symm 2.0 wasn’t changed for a year and then suddenly reworked into a very poor dps version to become “more skillfull” to use and giving disabled community a middle finger.

The only thing they ever listened to about Dva was that she wasn’t that interactive to play as DM bot, so instead they axed her DM, gave her stupid missiles and then axed them, rest of her and bunch of more so we wouldn’t play dva at all I guess.

Can’t complain about gameplay if its not possible to play at all 4head.


It is psychological IMO. They shoot, and then there is little feedback to even let them know what happened. With shields you at least get the bullets/rockets impacting/exploding. DM? A mere “plink” sound.


Maybe we need a more visual cue to stop people going nuts over small things

Regardless if D.Va has been meta for a long time or not, before the buff she was arguably the worst hero in the game. At least Bastion can find a use in low ranks. D.Va is consistently bad everywhere. The buff didn’t fix D.Va’s issue, her survivability. She’s like 90% critbox.

Perfectly balanced game does not exist, except it’s possible to strive for one and not “I don’t like this hero so it has to be bad.”


Problem with torb is all his side grades made him more mechanically dull and most of the time worse then his previous iterations.