I think she will get one and I also think, her mech will be a giant gift box with a bow and everything to match her line “The best things in life come in small packages”
Yep I agree with the OP. Dva has gone too long without getting a Christmas skin. She needs a good one too, like what was shown in the OP. It needs to be super vibrant with tons of detail. I’ll be sorely disappointed if she goes another year not getting one.
Wont we all.
Wont we all…
Man, I was really hoping for a teaser this week
Sometimes they don’t even do teasers.
The supremacy has been on!! We are getting a D.Va skin!!
i mean that reindeer looking orisa looked obvious but d.va’s mech looked the same…
still why would they highlight her so its safe to say that she is included somehow in this event. maybe baby d.va will be more christmas"ee" then her mech
I noticed that.
My guess is the mech shown was a basic skin for the far away silhouette.
Orisa clearly had her skin on since we were meant to see the antlers.
Doesn’t really show as a sleigh. Looking at her mech’s legs, I don’t see anything suggesting they’re changed.
They wouldn’t have shown her with orisa if they didn’t both get legendary skins so no worries.
well i went and look at all of d.va’s mech skins and yea a lot of them are very different looking but the form is still the same. you cant really change it too much since hitbox and the way it would work ingame maybe. i dont think d.vas would want a larger hitbox
All those skins are hideous.
I hope ball gets a skin.
He has hardly any.
Congratulations Dva mains, she is not abandoned as if Mercy, thanks devs.
I’m still so excited she’s getting one! I saved up so much currency haha
congrats you mecha mains. You get a skin for an event for the first time since, like forever
Ok so I paused a higher quality version of the video and if you look at Dva’s mech when it’s infront not the moon, you can see the top wings and knees of the mech jutting out. It’s got something halfway up the wings and the knees are almost hooked shape.
maybe antler ears. guess we’ll find out tomorow maybe if they have a reveal. or wait till thursday. i hate waiting sometimes lol
Yeah I dunno. The knee pad that she has on all her mechs is more curved and jutted and it looks like her mech’s feet possibly have a recurve shape which could be the sleigh aspect of the skin.
Throw some bright Christmas lights on the mech and boom lol. Time to wait two days
Ah, it isn’t.
Short hair looks so good!