Duo hero combos low plat and up

My friend and I dropped from mid diamond/high masters to almost gold in like a season. We were having bad luck for sure but I think we had to make use of being premade a lot more too.

My question is if you guys maybe know nice duo hero combos like Ana and Rein, but maybe some that are usually overlooked or some you just have found to be really fun/nice to play.

We’re kind of at a loss on what to do and so we’d like to try new stuff but we don’t really know what. Hope you guys can help out, thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Tracer Genji, if you have the mechanics.

Mercy Ashe or McCree

Ana Genji,

Dva Mercy hard pocket dva.

Pharah Mercy.

Bastion mercy, hog orisa, dva sombra

Thank you for the responses!

I know about Pharmacy but for other suggestions it would be much appreciated if you gave a short explanation so I can understand what you mean better, though I’m gonna try them anyway for sure and see if it brings us luck :slight_smile:

I am surprised the first combo mentioned wasn’t Zarya/Hanzo… How do it work? Well, time your ultimate. If opponents have zen, make sure to kill him first or force him to use his trans before.

You may try Winston/Tracer, Winston/DVA, Winston/Genji and jump on the same targets.

I also do not recommend picking both DPS. Even if you’re good with this role, it’s not likely that all of your teamates are good at healing or tanking…

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‘‘I also do not recommend picking both DPS…’’ It’s things like this I’m looking for, and great reasoning, thanks!

A coordinated tank and offtank duo can be very strong in plat. Or a diamond mccree with a gold pocket mercy.

Rein and ana/Rein zarya/Rein dva. People in gold/plat mostly have no idea how powerful tanks are when they are played correctly, so using this combo gives you a huge advantage in climbing.

And please, don’t queue on the weekend to retain some sanity. I’m happy I got out of the weekend (4 hours ish) with +45 SR overall for 2 days (-60 sr today)

Yeah for some reason weekends seem exceptionally rough… I try to play Rein as often as possible cause I don’t wanna see my teammate charge towards inner Narnia but I’m having a hard time actually protecting my teammates who are looking for the golden snitch xD

I think genji + ana is probs best at the moment. Especially if you have zarya that will toss genji a bubble as he goes in. Nano blade does enough damage to kill through trans, so counter play can be tough.

It all depends on team comps though.

Ana Genji hands down is the best duo if you’re both competent at them.
Farm Genji ult on enemy tanks, farm Ana on allied.
Get nanoblade, wipe, repeat.

High masters dropping to gold in one season? Lol what. Also if you actually are what you say you are just play the heroes you used to climb or pay the booster to get you back where they boosted you before. There is absolutely no way a high master could drop to gold unless throwing or payed to get to high masters.


Zen+ reaper, zarya +hanzo for example.

For me, tanks are big issue in gold and plat so rein+ zarya should be very power full if you can do the job.

tank/offtank, doesn’t matter which ones. good tank play can carry games and it doesn’t matter if your dps are dreadful.

Yeah we tried our best to get me to masters aswell but almost every game we had people flaming or just outright playing poorly, not gonna blame every match on them cause we’re not perfect but I didn’t want to address that here, since ranting on toxicity isn’t gonna help me either :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been diamond since season 5 and I lost it really, really fast haha. But I suppose we’re gonna work on our ana genji then, thanks!

I’d go for a tank+support combo, preferably so that both can do off and main heals/tanks. There’s too many instalock dpses in soloqueue.

Duo with someone you have synergy with. Don’t duo if you both only play DPS if you want to win.

Rein Ana, pharah mercy, zarya and just about any DPS, Winston tracer, etc.

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Ye something is really weird about that. I’m a mid master main tank and can plow through gold and plat solo on any hero. Lord knows what I’d do to them with a duo.

I guess to answer your question, here are some.

Zen + Tracer - Tracer hard focuses discorded supports
Rein + D.Va - Bomb/shatter combos
Roadhog + Orisa - Grav/pull combos
Ana + Roadhog - Pull/nade combos