Dummy Bots and moving

I have created a bot that just stands in one spot and does nothing, but if you go a character with the ability to move the bot (knockback) he stays in the position he was knocked to. How do I make it so whenever the bot is knocked away from his standing position, he walks his way back and stops where he started

rule("Bot Moves Back to Start Position")
		Player Received Knockback;

		Is Dummy Bot(Event Player) == True;

		Start Throttle In Direction(Event Player, Direction Towards(Position Of(Event Player), Vector(100, 100, 100)), 1, To World,
			Replace existing throttle, Direction and Magnitude);
		Wait Until(Distance Between(Position Of(Event Player), Vector(100, 100, 100)) <= 0.500, 99999);
		Stop Throttle In Direction(Event Player);

Replace the Position Vector (100,100,100) with the Position the Bot should go. Replace it in the Wait Until Distance Check too!

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