Dropped from SR1300 to SR570

OW team is very suspicious on this. It’s a fun ride down but really. Please fix the leavers issue and people throwing.

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I played dps all day yesterday and out of 14 games i had 7 leavers …this is honestly out of control ,nothing they can do to my understanding :frowning:


Idk why it’s suspect by anyone.

The lower ranks are wild and sr swings happen. I’m sure you can climb back tho with some moderate changes in play even with throwers. I wish you luck

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Check my profile. Going from Mid gold all the way down to bottom 500? That is just very sus of OW team.

that’s very unlucky i’m sorry it sucks to drop so hard so rapidly.

in my exp once i hit that ‘road to bronze’ loss streak it’s best to take a break, watch a few of your own VODs and try to spot what you could’ve done differently.
another good idea is using the ‘box method’ while reviewing your VODs - draw a square and divide it into 4 parts. title the parts “mechanics”, “positioning”, “gamesense” and “good” or “reset” and try to sort each death into one of the categories. mechanics is pretty obvs - if you got outdueled that s a death to the mechanics. positioning is getting caught far away from team/cover and dying bc you were unable to get to safety fast enough. gamesense is when you die to an ult you weren’t anticipating(it’s a good idea to start learning to track ults by tracking 1-2 high impact ults for example shatter or grav) or an enemy flanker you were surprised by. and good or reset deaths are when you know the fight is lost and die asap so you can regroup with your team. it’s important to be honest with yourself and try to treat VOD reviewing as a learning experience without judging yourself too harshly - after all your mind is much clearer when you are not actively playing so what seemed like a good idea in the game can be embarrassingly stupid once you rewatch it. once you’re finished sorting your deaths into categories take a look at where you put the most marks and try to find tips or workshop codes to try to work on the problem areas.

after that i’d recommend making a group in LFG and finding some like-minded individuals who are willing to play as a team. even a smurf can be outplayed with good teamwork and playing as a fullstack lowers your chances of having a thrower/leaver(obvs not always since disconnects happen sometimes but you know what i mean). some games are unwinnable and there’s nothing you can do about it but trying to get into a mindset of treating each game as a chance to learn and grow is a great way to avoid tilt - some matches can SEEM lost already but if you keep a level head you might be surprised at how often your team can make a come back from even the most dire situations and win. it can feel very frustrating to try hard in your ranked games only to keep dropping sr but i’m positive you’ll climb back up!! glhf!!

source: dropped 1.9k to bronze due to unlucky loss streaks 3 times last season but managed to climb back up each time


Suspicious how? Are you implying that of the millions of players concurrently playing the game, Blizzard not only has some sort of opinion or bias as to whether you climb or fall in SR, but is taking steps to intervene, manually or programmatically, in that process?


i mean i have spammed their facebook since season two started on every post every chance i get to #boycottyoutube and #onlyonTwitchtv/overwatchleague

In another post I bad talked about Jeff. Ever since then the mods have set me on this course to drop to <500 rank. leavers and now I am being D/c’d for no reason.

honestly ThadCastle i believe its your name. i wouldnt want to win based off this alone. your character is a prick and i fully think you are harrd throwing matches.

i dropped a ton of points changing my name too FloridaMan thinking i wouldnt get weird pickphase attention about Pot4mE (old #1 rated uther user on WCIII name rolled over) but nope floridaman incited way more bad drug references than every other match “hey u got pot for me too?” "wrong game bro sry #4ME "…

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There are times you can do nothing more.

Ive been in situations where as rein the only way we get the payload moving is if I shatter combo and 4-6 kill the defenders solo while everyone pads their KD and hides back 50-100m

Or a game in eichenwald

Team killed as pharah. At the first bridge choke

Captured the point alone

Passed the first door alone
Pushed the payload to the start of the kill alone.

Where were my team.

All back at the first choke still too afraid to progress because of a tracer.

My teams rein winston mercy, ana , mcree, were too afraid of a single tracer that they never progressed past that first choke and we lost the map.

You cannot carry that level of incompetence.

0 kill widows
Reaper junk that think that they are an effective echo pharah counter.

And as rein or sigma I should just be able to. Adsorb and ignore the damage and we will make it in the end.


Are you really blaming ow team for going to bronze from gold? Did everyone from gold dropped there? Think about it…

Ok dude… :joy:

I think its time to realize that reason why you dropped might be in your own skill.

I checked overbuff, your stats doesnt match stats of gold player. How are your bronze games, do you carry there?


why are u replying to me bro. i dont wanna read your weird interpretative poetry abt lost matches that you ctrl+c ctrl+v in every relevant thread pls :sweat_smile:


Lol. Interpretive poetry

srry not a native eng speaker ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Your winrate on Rein isn’t that bad. You should drop Dva, though. You could also make a thread asking for advice on Dva/Rein and maybe share a replay code.

You said you were D/c’d, did you try to come back? How long are you D/c’d and how often? Can you avoid being D/c’d by playing a quickplay game before going to comp ?


c’mon now, that would imply that they actually taking ownership of their issue and trying to do something about it, instead of jumping on the forums to QQ about rigged matchmaking. ain’t nobody got time fo that now


1300 is mid-high Bronze not Gold. Dropping 800 is a lot but it looks like tank is not your forte. You’ll need to change a lot up to grow at it.


Thank you all for the advice. :smiley:

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