Drawn out fight are the best

It depends. Prolonged fights where the momentum is only in one team’s favor aren’t very fun. Sometimes the inevitable is being delayed or they are banking on enough mistakes to be committed to turn the momentum around just once.

In actuality, the most enjoyable team fights have always been the prolonged tug-of-war teamfights where the momentum quickly danced from each side.

Take this fight from OWL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3C96lyrRo&t=6473s

It was very long, but so intense as the strict teamwork of OWL players broke apart into pure chaos. Watch the tides of battle shift so often with equally skilled players, this is the ideal teamfight.


That’s an entirely different topic, but the point is it won’t be a standard boring FPS. And this problem you are mentioning is tied to one hero who will very likely get nerfed.

We also have no idea what it’ll be like; we don’t know any of the new supports, tanks, or DPS, we don’t know any other role passives, we don’t know what new modes or maps are like, we don’t know any reworks or overarching game mechanics that will be overhauled

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It’s tied to like at least 3~4 atm (df, tracer, genji, echo) and an extra 3 that exhibits something similar but with high sustain instead of high burst (dive tanks) that one would reasonably think cc would be needed to deal with rather than trying to burst them to peel.

Doomfist is getting an entire rework so there’s that, I don’t think genji will be much of an issue and if he is they can easily just tone down his damage or deflect or something. I think echo falls under the category of pharah/ashe in gameplay and don’t exactly think of her as a flanker

Ball will 100% be a problem and i think the biggest issue is trying to change him to be viable but not dominate. However, they have said that winston/dva/ball will receive major changes so it’s next to impossible to know if they will be problems. Besides, there could be new supports with CC or peel

which is a whole bag of worms considering past reworks.

not really that simple unless you’re talking about trashing his damage. esp when we start thinking about how one can deal with blade in a very low cc world.

except she is largely a flanker…

again, bag of worms.

considering how they’re :chart_with_downwards_trend: cc, I highly doubt they’re going to add significantly more on new heroes.

and considering how devs have and will likely again cave into the dps bias, it’s unlikely that they’d put in more cc, sustain or lenient aim abilities that’d actually be capable of dealing with them. all of which are the tools to peel and counter mobile heroes.
I mean just look at the latest 2 heroes announced to see where the trend has gone for kit designs:

  • echo’s kit is literally pew pew, dash and pew pew more, literally 0 utility outside of ult
  • what’s been revealed for sojourn is pew pew, a dash, and pew pew more, and literally 0 utility all round.

But you’re playing against 2 vs 2 tanks though?