DPS players: What are you trying to tell me when you spam 'Need Healing' at full health?

If you’re a Mercy, it means I want you to damage boost me at that time.

If you’re anyone else, it means I’m about to take damage and I want you to be aware of it, i.e. Monkey jumping on me.

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It means stop being a stationary mega and heal the people trying to win you the game. How do you expect the team to do anything if they all sit behind the tank.

A good healer knows how to triage and make sure the players carrying the hardest get heals exactly when they need them.

Bot healers just sit behind the tank and farm trash healing stats.

Good healers are super rare in this game

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Nice Bias, OP didn’t mention anything about sitting back and doing nothing.

According to you “the god” ofc.

So are DPS that can actually hit targets but you don’t see me complaining.

No good dps are common, it’s a simple straightforward role and if they are in your game they must be just as good as the enemy. By far it’s the healers that loose games because they don’t understand healing. Good healers don’t even need their team to ask for heals and they usually have level 4 or 5 endorsements because people are so surprised and thankful for good healing




Bias and boring tbh.

If someone could sum up a standard default Dps player explaining healing this would be it.

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Nah. Healers rarely lose games as long as they are actually healing damage up. Bad healers can definitely make it harder. But tanks lose (and win) games. It is by far the hardest and most intricate role. As a DPS main, I do not need no heals. I do kind of, sort of need space to work with, however.

If you were playing Mercy, they might have just wanted a pocket while they use their ultimate. Pretty common for Genji, Soldier, etc. to ask for damage boost while they use it, so it’s not always malicious.

Assuming no chat is being used, I might be:

  1. Asking you to Armor me up (of you’re Brig and I’m Genji and I said I have Ult
  2. Have you nano me (but I would also say my Ults ready)
  3. Have you Damage Boost me (if playing Mercy and your healing beam was already on me)

You see, if aren’t using voice, there’s no way to ask for this stuff, directly. Threes no button to ask to be damaged boosted as Bastion or Armored Up as Genji or whatever.

The Communication Wheel is very… Limited.


  1. They could be spamming to annoy you
  2. Hoping you’ll pocket then as they try to 1v6

Both 4 and 5 are just stupid


I don’t ask for healing as Bastion because healing can only really help me if the healing is really well coordinated high burst healing which you just can’t get so I don’t ask.

Bastions don’t take a trickle of damage they either take nothing or an unstoppable torrent. Because it’s not like fast AD strafing where they’re missing most shots, if they’ve decided to attack you, they’re not going to miss.

So you need burst healing and it needs to be perfectly timed when the burst of damage is coming.

Mercy does have good synergy with damage boosting Bastion though as normally her 30% damage boost can’t contribute more than if she just whooped out her blaster because her Blaster deals 100DPS, so if she damage boosts someone who deals 330 DPS she’s only adding 99DPS to the fight and potentially headshots. Bastion is the only hero who has DPS high enough for Damage boost to really be worth while as now Mercy is contributing an extra +135DPS and far less reload interruptions. Shaves a whole second off breaking a Rein shield.

But healing, kinda useless.

For example, the standard way Hanzo will face Bastion (any noob can do this) it’s advance with an arrow fully drawn, see Bastion, shoot him with 125 damage arrow, then rain in 70 damage Storm Arrows. 50hp/sec healing cannot save Bastion. Same futile damage numbers with Torb’s primary fire when overloading or junkrat spam or Soldier Helix + primary fire.

The only thing Bastion can do is as soon as he takes any damage immediately reconfigure into recon and move into cover. Which have really terrible odds but it’s better than certain death.

I really like having a Mercy around me not to heal me just because people tend to stick with Mercy for healing. One thing Bastion mains utterly despair at is seeing their teammates overextending way WAY too much, no one should follow them and Bastion definitely can’t follow them (where they could shoot me from their spawn). I watch them all die one by one then the entire enemy team swarms me.

That’s what Bastion wants, not shields, but any hero of any sort retreating and luring them into Bastion’s guns, not overextending and expecting Bastion to follow in a futile attempt at spawn camping.

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OH OK I see!

I should give priority to the moron who charges in and gets killed, instead of wasting my time taking care of the people actually focusing on the objective.

They’re letting the team know that they’re about to make a “big play”

Yes, but unfortunately this is not Star Wars and they are certainly not Yoda.

In addition to ‘Make a Big Play’ (ie Do), there is also try, and Do Not.

My favorite is when someone blames me for no heals all game, then at the end I get the first card for 35% healing

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Well MY favorite is when I get a card for 25% healing on a game where my team lost because I stayed near the point/payload and hardly anyone else did.

Im on console, and sometimes when I try to use an emote or voiceline I mess up and it comes out as “I need healing”. It’s always a bit embarrassing.