DPS players: What are you trying to tell me when you spam 'Need Healing' at full health?

I had a player do this last night. I kept acknowledging. Then they charged in and died.

Then complained at the end of the game that they got no heals.

I struggle to make sense of this behavior.


Means they want you to heal them while they 1v6 :man_shrugging: thinking they can win if you pocket them…


That’s what I thought. Or at least they wanted to be pocketed for an offensive push.

Didn’t work out that way though.

Yeah, healing a feeder will just give the enemy more ult charge. If you know they’re doomed, and don’t think they can get a pick if you help them, then just focus on the rest of the team and take advantage of the distraction.


It’s only traditional to do so. With the call and to spam:


You don’t heal bastion when he asks you you’re going to lose, classic amateur support mistake.

Thing is, this player had several hundred more hours in the game than anyone else, including me. I assumed they knew what they were doing, and resolved, at the start of the match, to prioritise them.

Silly me.

He had several hundred more hours of playing wrong and not learning from mistakes.


Wasn’t a Bastion who screwed the pooch. And I generally don’t neglect high value players to the point where they reasonably NEED to ask for healing.

Pocket heal until they die than just do normal healing for the rest of the game.
I don’t like to pocket but at least they can’t tell me at the end I wasn’t a team player.


It wouldn’t bother me, being told by a DPS Babby that I, of all people, wasn’t a team player.

I was more curious if I had missed something.

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I wish it was code for something thing but it just seems like code for “I’m a annoying player”


means I hit my “I need healing” key by accident


They wanted to be pocketed without taking 1.04 seconds to type that out and ask you in chat

When I get people like that, I like to spam the “I need healing” back at them, as a healer lol

Presumably to ask you to keep an eye on me a bit more than you would usually cuz I’ll likely be targeted the moment I do whatever I’m about to do

“there’s enemy in front of me and i’m going to take buttload of damage in next second”

If I was to have a stab theyre frustrated by you for seemingly ignoring their requests for healing?

I play a bit of everything and when I’m not support it sometimes feels like your being ignored (sometimes yes/sometimes no), especially when you’re really trying to win.

In this specific case were you someone like Brig/Zen/Ana were they wanted to yolo dive in (maybe ult) and we’re hoping for a pack/orb/nano?

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depends on the level of player.

in higher tiers, it basically means pocket me, i’m going in or am dealing damage.

In lower tiers, it’s basically spam.

It often means “you’ve been ignoring me and letting me die a lot. Please pay attention to my HP.”

Or they could just be a troll.

I sympathize with the former. As a Sym main healers tend not to care about healing me. As a former support main, that grinds my gears.