Yeah, I’ve seen some Moira’s go out of their way to do damage to enemies. Extending beyond the team. Taking on near full HP heroes. Never being present when people need healing. It’s quite annoying.
They don’t know how to play Moira. Her primary role is healing. She damages to refill her resources, and should balance this action around her orb rotation. She should only be focusing on a lot of damage to defend herself or to take out a low HP hero whom no one else had bothered to kill beforehand.
Same. At my early days, I was very surprised that the forums complained about Moira, Reaper and Junkrat of all people. Nothing can really surprise me except when there will be a nerf Ashe thread.
No, that’s Moira’s lack of faith in playing an actual dps, else he would just switch to a dps and be more effective instead of hiding behind “but we need a healer too.”
Most DPS Moiras are dps wannabes who don’t quite have the mechanical skills to be effective with dps heroes.
I feel like half the people who posted here didn’t even bother to look at the picture, where the Moira is ignoring the two critical health tanks in order to chip at the enemy D.Vas armour. All of this despite no resource bar on screen, which signifies that its full and she hasn’t healed at all.
I am CONSTANTLY accused of being a DPS Moria when I play her.
I always have gold healing at the end, out healing the Mercy or Ana. Like, if you are going to get upset at someone playing support, maybe get upset at the one not getting as much healing in.
But, I am very very much up there, fighting people almost constantly.
They SEE the fighting, and tilt, not realising that I am out healing the other support while I am doing it.
These days I play less tilting heros, like Sombra, Sym and Mei.
It is true, but, it doesn’t stop your team tilting, or freaking out. People demonise Moiras who actually put pressure on the enemy team, and she is good at it.
Yeah, and it is from a misplaced distrust of your own DPS. I know, I went though exactly this stage.
You do hit the stage of “ok, FINE, I have to do everything myself” - and then the dark side calls…
I frequently have my pistol out as Mercy, UNLESS we have a DPS doing well. why? because the Pistol is actually pretty good at dropping shields, putting out pressure, and doing a lot of damage.
If I have a good DPS, then damage boost gets more value. So, a large part of supports skill set is having to assess your team REALLY quickly.
If there is a shield down range, and it has to come down, unless there is a bastion you can boost, having your pistol out is the best thing you can do as Mercy.
But, you do it? And again, people lose their minds. But it is EVERYONES job to drop that shield (safely), and if you all do it, it is gone in less than a second.
People shouldn’t be so twitchy at their supports fighting, but… Yeah… too many DPS only Moiras.
Have you ever been fully healed as a tank by Zenyattas orb multiple times in a single match? I don’t think I could have said that before today. At least someone was trying to heal me.
What i find out funny is when someone like that still brags about their gold medals considering they’re not even healing their team in the first place. How on earth are they supposed to do damage if you’re doing that instead of healing them? lol
I always think the Moira having gold damage means people are being countered.
Sure, they are not as effective as they should be, but, you STILL should be able to put out more damage than her and not die.
It usually means you need to switch up heroes, because they are running a lot of shields, and only the Moira is getting damage through them.
Having a support doesn’t mean not playing near cover or health packs. If you are relying on your support to keep you alive, you still have some issues there.
They are for getting you back into the fight more quickly, not keeping you alive.
Lucio should be speed boosting more than healing, and Mercy should be damage boosting more than healing.
DPS who play as main healers are also really annoying to me as a fellow support. They never say they’re going to not heal, so it’s a rude awakening when I find that actually I’m solo healing.
What needs to be considered is that throwing damage orbs plus constantly dealing damage to fill your healing meter will stack a lot of damage and eliminations. I know a Moira that isn’t healing when i see one, usually i don’t complain and just roll with it, but when she starts getting on my nerves and start flaming others then i just can’t let it be like this.