DPS is unplayable

Unless you’re Ashe or Echo hooooooo boy


Tracer and cree are more played than both of them.

Stop inhaling dish soap.

There are a lot of trash DPS, but to say ashe and echo are the only ones usable, is just simply not true.


I can play fine with any other hero, don’t see the issue here tbh.


maybe in diamond, but not in gold lol


DPS characters above ashe and echo:

  • McCree
  • Soldier
  • Genji
  • Junkrat
  • Hanzo

All of them are more played than ashe and echo.


yeah, sick troll lmao

You have this thing called the internet.


Use it.


Not everyone is lucky enough, they could still keep on encountering the same heroes. Overbuff shows stats as a whole, though experiences can be different.

Ashe is actually more viable than either in mid ranks , for a few reasons.

She is easier than widow or hanzo.

Lack of focus fire = burst damage is better

Extremely poor tanking = Mcree is a borderline throw pick

Tracer, unless smurfing and getting 3k each fight… worthless… as team (aka tanks) will not take advantage of her distraction to the enemy team.

Yeah but the fact stands that at the rank that the OP is talking about, there are 5 DPS that are more played than both echo AND ashe.

So to say that only ashe and echo are viable is just false.

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Let me correct the title:

Some of the Dps are unplayable

I would say that NONE of the characters are unplayable, given that thousands of each character are being played all over the world as I type this and as you read this

another person that uses overbuff lmao imagine people taking you seriously because you use overbuff lmao

Any proof it’s wrong?

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Overbuff shows stats as a whole, though experiences can be different."

in conclusion, your stats can stick it. Get off my post

Okay but… your “ashe and echo” are the only viable dps stint is just simply FALSE.

There is no “my experience” you’re talking about the BALANCE state of a hero. If we were talking about “I see a lot of ashe’s and echo’s” that’s a different argument and a whole different point.

Your entire point of ONLY ashe and echo being viable is just out right wrong.

Get off the whole forum site bum.


… are you on console or something?

I’ve been playing mostly dps this season and this hasn’t been my experience at all. I’ve been playing a bit of everything. Even Tracer and Pharah are playable in gold because the hitscan can’t hit the broad side of a barn and Brigs are too out of position to be effective Tracer counters.

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or mcree, or tracer, or soldier, or widowmaker, or hanzo… oh boy

Might as well say “facts are wrong, my opinion is correct”.


There’s Tracer and McCree who are pretty good right now. Other heroes have niches which they succeed in.