Dose sombra really work for talon, or is she just using them to get what she wants?

I’ve watched everything on sombra, but haven’t read anything–

So, dose she actually work and want to help talon, or is she really against them and is just trying to get “friends”?

She is using them to further her own goals, and Talon is using her to achieve their own ends.


The Sombra’s Origin Story animation reveals pretty much the essential (check on YouTube), at around 1:14 minute, she says:

I’ll find out who really runs the world. I’ll find their weaknesses, and how to exploit them. And when I do… I’ll be the one pulling the strings.

Pretty clear. She wants to run the ones who run the world (I.E. giving the orders to those whom believed controlled the world). That, or she just plain and simple wants to find them, kill them* (*directly or not), and then take their place to ‘run the world’ (pulling the strings).

All in all, she’s very ambitious, to say the least. And she’s using people and organizations to get to that point. But along the way, she’s being used, too. She might be ‘letting herself’ being used for the time being. But I also believe that (if well written) Sombra may be being used by unknown actors in the grand scheme of things and she’s going to end up in a trap at the last possible second.

Wanting to “control the world” never ended well for anyone who ever attempted it one way or another, alone or not.

I mean, she’s going for her own objectives while earning Talon’s money so both? lol
Not like Talon is unaware of it anyway.


Oh she’s totally using them. Once she had dirt on more bigger people, I wouldn’t be surprised if she ditched Talon for good

She’s using them to get information she needs. Doomfist and the rest of the Talon members are aware of her actions and will not hesitate to kill her if she interferes with their long term goals.