DOS attacks on Xbox out of control

Myself and my playgroup are disconnected from probably 30% of competitive games we play due to what is exceedingly likely to be this issue. There may be nothing that Blizzard can do, but it has become so much more severe over the past year, that I am done with comp. I have a playgroup of 5 friends and have been playing since 2016. It is heartbreaking to see it come to this. But the penalities being handed down to us for simply trying our best and being hit with these attacks, are simply too much.

The only kind of DDoS attacks Xbox Players are really subjected to are if they expose their own IP address using Xbox’s Party Chat system (which operates independently from Overwatch). Learn more here:

Yeah. I’m aware it’s not a blizzard thing. But the penalities are. And since that’s never gonna change, guess I’m done with comp.