Doomfist Ult is unlike the rest of the DPS lineup

Why is Doomfist allowed to be invincible and untargetable during his ult and even briefly after completing it. The rest of the DPS line-up have ults that are interruptible and leave you vulnerable to get value out of them. Some are pretty much press Q to die (Pharah), imagine if Pharah or Reaper were invincible during their ult. Sounds broken? That’s because it is.


You’re forgetting the part where its also one of the worst ults in the game, along with a few other dps ults.


Based on what metric? It may not be the best damage ult but it’s certainly gets kills, especially when paired with halt (grav flux lite).


He also can’t do damage, or anything besides move his target, while ulting.


The damage sometimes looks like its RNG. People literally in the middle of the circle sometimes survive without an explanation when i’m the Doom, but when i’m the one getting ulted by enemy Doom i can literally be almost outside the circle and get full damage and instakill.


Honestly, target what? He’s in the air out of range. Wait till the stomp sound ends. He becomes solid, than fire.

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Would it be broken if reaper or pharah were invincible during their ult?


But their ults aren’t Doomfists ult.

Doomfists ult, offensively, is one of the weakest in the game. Can it secure kills? Sure. Sometimes.

But more often than not it’s used as an escape

And that is literally what Doomfists ult does at the end of the day realistically. Let’s him get away.


“Oh doomfists ult isnt bad, its an escape tool” is as bad as “McCrees ult isnt bad, its a reload” back in the day.


His ultimate is a glorified Fade. Get over it, it’s basically useless when it comes to securing kills on its own.


Player model proximity and shielding things, but yeah this is another bugging portion of his kit and contributes to his high variance play. And indirectly contributing to him being a bit bloated if no bug happens.

I think that’s the problem of halt…

OP, did you know that one of the initial tests for Doomfist’s ult, before they landed on Meteor, was to have his cooldowns halved during his ult phase?

He could punch every 2 seconds in very old testing.

I’d rather have a hero that can secure an Ana kill, than Total Mayhem Doomfist.

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Rework it because meteor escape sucks

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His ult is so bad that it is often used as escape.


Doomfist is unlike the whole DPS lineup, and was not meant to be ‘counterable’, ‘interactive’ or ‘fun to fight’. Meteor strike is a pretty good ultimate- it can combo with CC abilities, it can be a get out of jail free card, and it gives Doomfist more shields per hits, which basically means immortal Doom. But Doomfist mains will always find something to complain about…

Others have already pointed out how bad it is, so I’ll just say that I’ve heard that if Doomfist uses his Ult on a unharmed Baby D.Va who just presses W the moment she sees the indicator, she’ll have moved far away enough to survive it when he lands (albeit only at 10 HP or so.)

Dunno if it’s true, but I believe it.


Yup, completely true.

If you are about .4 meters from the inner circle, you’ll take 130-140 damage. It’s a pain in the rear.

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Dude what’s your point? Yeah you’re untargetable but without the help of your team you can only really solo kill one person at best and then you’re stuck in the landing animation for about a second where someone can stun and kill you. His ult used to be a guaranteed kill on immobile heroes and now you can juke it. Stop complaining.

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“Why is Doomfist allowed to be invincible and untargetable during his ult”

Why is reaper invincible and untargetable during his SHIFT. you know, something he gets every 8 seconds?

" imagine if Pharah or Reaper were invincible during their ult. Sounds broken? That’s because it is."

Okay imagine heroes who have good ultimates in the game that can kill an entire team has counters. Insane right?

Imagine if doomfist ultimate can even get a single kill, imagine if us doomfist mains didn’t use his ultimate as a escape utility rather than a utility to kill / deal damage.

Are you silver?

i disagree, smart players would hug walls and walk around a wall to fully stop doomfist ult. It was awful back then and it’s awful now.


It also stuns him on landing- and despite the shields, when used aggressively- can very easily- and frequently does result in Doomfist dying.

I literally see you, yourself, complaining more on your own than I see Doomfist mains complain as a group.

There’s a bit of irony and humor in telling people that they “always complain”, when you complain more frequently, in a post complaining about the hero to begin with.


This was true. When they nerfed it during the December Nerfs, there was a bug where the outer range did a scale of 20(?)-150 instead of 20-200.