Doomfist, the healer's nightmare

I’ve played over 300 hours of Lucio and 150 hours of Doomfist, I know how they both work.

If I’m telling you Lucio is a good option to play against Doomfist I know what I’m talking about and that’s why I told you to ride walls, as far as I know Doomfist can’t seismic slam on a wall.

Once you start to get good with Lucio and you’re able to ride walls constantly, you won’t have a single issue with Doomfist.

A good awareness is also strongly recommended against Doomfist, if you know he’s coming, start putting you in a position that gives you an advantage. You see him coming for your Ana? The moment he hits the ground with seismic slam, boop him away. He can run away or try to still get the frag but if he does he’ll probably just feed.


Hours played doesn’t mean much to me.

Maybe in your experience. Not in mine.

Yeah, but when i’m wallriding, i’m not healing my team.
I think we have very different playstyles. I do like to wallride, don’t get me wrong. It’s an essential tool. But i don’t like to keep my aura’s away from my team. That hurts our team more overall.

There’s not really much i can do other than memorize the billion little bugs that allow him to take shortcuts utilized like some used in this video.

And yes, these do see a lot of use in my games.

If I outplay doomfist why does yet get to instakill me with his split second charging punch? It only has a 3 second CD.

Like, I outlay him by either dodging his ambush or blocking his combo damage they just go back to the punch which doesn’t even have to charge long.

This was playing Moira and out playing him, had full health before dying to punch.

Zen and Ana are only free kills with his ult when they arent close to their shield tank in any other situation they have more than enough ways to deal with him

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Lucio can boop him before he even lands seismic slam, seismic slam is also very hard to hit a Lucio since he should be wall riding or something most of the time. Also you shot at a training bot that is as fat as Roadhog with DFs weapon, supports are much skinnier besides Zen. The only support hard countered by DF is Zen, good Anas should know by now how to sleep him almost everytime after seismic or uppercut.


He outdpsses and outlasts Zen.
Ana deals less damage than Zen, so it all depends on the Sleep. Which he can work around;

When he slams Ana, he immediately follows up with rocket punch and 1-2 left clicks. Which is often fast enough to kill you before you get the chance to finish the sleepdart animation. And the rocket punch stun will cancel it.

But even if he doesn’t do that. Or a super fast turbo high burst damage combo from some really odd angle thanks to a bug…
Yes, you can sleep him. And that’s your only, and last line of defense against him. Which is on a 12s cooldown. Doomfist isn’t the only hero you ever want to use it against. But if there’s a Doomfist, you truly are a free kill when you don’t save it for him exclusively.

A Winston, Dva Genji or Tracer in your face? Too bad. You must save the dart for Doomfist otherwise you have no way of surviving his slam>uppercut guaranteed kill combo.

You shouldn’t be anywhere near melee range of your tanks as Ana or Zen. That means you’re exposed to him.
Doom really doesn’t care about shields or barriers unless it’s Zarya.

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I had a Doomfist that kept fisting me and then dying afterwards as
i was playing Moira. It is very annoying and he was playing a suicide playstyle. We managed to win but my team couldn’t really protect me.

That’s because not a single barrier in the game blocks his melee attacks aside from Zarya, who’s bubbles don’t grant immunity to his CC anyway.
There’s really not much you can do to protect your healers from a Doomfist other than killing or CC’ing him.


When blizzard is gonna fix all his bugs then doomfist is gonna be a nightmare, right now half of the times you punch someone he doesn’t take the proper damage, slam is so buggy, but uppercut is kinda fine.
Same for sombra

And I forgot soldier, but he’s a throwpick now, sometimes worked as a healer and won the healing gold medal.

Doom’s Seismic slam>uppercut combo is a guaranteed kill against Soldier.


Doomfist is OP against nearly everyone, not just healers. I have seen bad Doomfists, I had one as D.Va that I could literally dodge every rocket punch and kill, but normally they aren’t that inept and will be a pain to bring down.

Just immobile heroes.
Which in my opinion, is a serious problem. And is a sign of further mobility creep.
As they seem to intend for immobility to be an uncommon, situational weakness.
Otherwise they wouldn’t create a character that completely shuts immobile heroes down altogether.

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there is a certain point, which doomfist can reach during his lifespan in the game and if he does reach it you can almost forget about killing him. it is when he has his shield over 300. you just wait for the second round and kill him or just wait until his shield drop down. only good counter i see for df right now is sombra and a good brigette.

if everybody was that good with doomfist we would have a serious problem but thank god only 10% of df players are that good

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Are you really looking for a solution to beat Doomfist players or just complain about the character himself? It really seems like you’re just here to complain imo.

No, not just in my opinion, other people will tell you the same.

Ok if hours mean nothing maybe having 63% WR and 3 elims per life mean something? If I don’t die as often as the other Lucio players there’s a reason.

It’s not just my playstyle with Lucio, it’s what good Lucios do, you can heal your team while wallriding, of course you’re not going to be wallriding 24/7.

They are not bugs, they are called rollouts and if you think most Doomfist players do that, well, you’re wrong. Rollouts are situationals at best, I even asked Brandito a few months back when I was learning Doomfist, he basically told me they are really not necessary to be a good Doomfist, they are just a nice perk if you’re good at it and trust me, it’s not that easy.


a good zen absolutely eradicates a good doomfist unless that zen is extremely preoccupied with someone else up in his business.

He does this because a good zen will watch out for a doomfist while doing his job and will discord and kill a doomfist before his slam reaches him or he can connect the rmb punch.

a good ana will also completely mess up a doomfist because hes extremely telegraphed so hitting sleep darts as a good ana is not hard

If Doomfist is dumb enough to engage him from the front, yes.

doomfists arent dumb enough, im just not dumb enough to only have my attention to the front, good zens multitask, can still do their job while watching for a DF flank.

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I admit that I have my fair share of trouble surviving against Doomfist. If I’m lucky I manage to sleep dart him before he hits me. But the funny thing is, for big moaning man, I don’t hear him coming (pun not intended) until grandmas face is smashed against a wall.

Edit: One time I played DF because I was frustrated. And I have to say, it is satisfying af to smack healers.