Doomfist still has 57 bugs that make each ability purely RNG

please fix this hero already. You guys still haven’t made a update from your last post

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urge to post video…rising

Lol, please… we all know forum doomfists don’t experience these, as they’re too busy flying across the entire map one punching and comboing the entire enemy team 1v6 without losing any HP all while playing on their google glasses.


It’s Slam that’s being abused to surf on roofs. If the whiners ever grow a clue and learned what to actually complain about, and pushed to replace it with something that isn’t poorly coded to scale damage with ‘air time’ and also doesn’t have a dead zone/cone shape so in could be used in CQC, I’d actually support them.

But they don’t. They’re obsessed with Rocket Punch because when they play Doomfist, that’s the only ability they can get kills with so they assume that’s also the case for the phantom Doomfist that lives in their imagination who’s 1v6ing every fight.

Everyone experiences these

umm 125 slamming from a roof is so obvious and predictable it puts doomfist at a major disadvantage. There is a reason why we call people punch botters. Not slam botters. LOL.

It was sarcasm, Good Buddy