Doomfist Rocket Punch BROOOOOOOOOKEN!

What was the buff? I’m not up to date with the changes. Last thing I knew about rocket punch was that its hitbox was smaller than a bullet from mercy’s pistol.

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Dude, certain heros have a very powerful ability called “get out of the way” move.

Its complex but you press A or D. Use the analog stick if you’re on console. Try to time it so when you hear him grunt and scream for the massive charge-up time.


Listen for the sound cue and move away


What buff are you talking about?

The only recent buff he got was his reload is uninterrupted when he melee attacks. Nothing on RP.

Or are you referring to the CD buffs after the sledgehammer nerfs?


It wasn’t buffed but it did get some helpful bugfixes.


Seems like I do though.


Oh, so this could be one of those Bug Fix = Buff thing.

Okay, I think I get the OP now. Thanks bro~

do you also read before you type?

me gm player
me knowing how to play the game
me knowing how to dodge
me playing against doomfist a lot before
me still thinking its overpowered

its stops also your momentum, basicly boops you further away. even if you like 5m away from the wall, you still get bumbed into it.

the issue is that it has no real counterplay. Everyone who disagrees is lowrank and plays against noobfists


If the devs haven’t tweaked it in two years, it is likely not an issue then.

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i really like that reference, was that your intention?

How is listening to his sound cues and standing behind cover not counterplay? On top of that 90% of heroes have additional ways to counter it. Mobility cooldowns, bubbles, headshots, sleeps, fade, wraith, stuns, fortify, etc.


I’m not sure which reference this originated from or the one you’re thinking of but It’s been around a loooooong time. At least it’s a commonly used move in a lot of game communities. :joy:

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i’m trying to remember it but i can’t remember where i’ve heard it. it’s so good.
“there’s a super good move called, Get out of the way! not everyone knows about it but it’s really good”


for everyone who is in disbelieve, I made a short clip from a recent game:

200+ health gone.
didnt jump.
stunned for the full duration, couldnt move at all.
you cant dodge, if he is that close.
went flying for more than 5m

Rocket Punch has a 1 second cast time to do max damage. and a 4 sec cooldown.
To compare Sigma Accretion has a 0.8 cast time and lower projectile speed. how often do you dodge that?

You had 211hp, hammond shot you (or you hit his bomb) after you got punched which brought your hp down to 101 and then u died. Look a full charged rocket punch deals 100dmg and 150 if you hit the wall. Yeah you was gonna die anyway since u was the only one on the point.

Then kill or stun him.

Thats because his punch was fully charged.

I dodge it most of the time because i listen for it, use a mobility or invincibility ability, get behind cover or any unbreakable object, stun, me or my teammates kills him.


You see on GM/top 500 stream people regulary fisted into the wall. Maybe they just need to git gud :man_shrugging:

Edit: It’s such a bullcrap argument “just avoid”. It’s not working at any rank


If you a fat as tank you cant dodge these abilitys. Even if you dodge it has a 4 sec cooldown…

I doesnt matter if I would die anyway, its just an example. You can see im at 101 health right when I hit the wall. But the problem is not the damage. Its how far you get punched away.

I got knocked for like 10m. I was on the point. How far am I suppose to stay away from the wall??? It wasnt like that before!


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Rocket PUnch is totally a skillshot. It also makes you stand still, requires map geometry in your favor, and lets out a loud noise for anyone to hear. If you’re playing tank, you’re bigger, but that doesn’t stop it from being a skill shot.


I didn’t ask for your opinion.

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