Doomfist Ptr is not going to be good for the game

The most frustrating part of old Doom was being uppercut and unable to move. As long as he can’t do that anymore he’s manageable.

It’s not like there is no counterplay.
Doomfist is really great at punishing positionment error, stay with your team, and when he engage focus him together he’ll melt

doomfist has counterplay. i welcome this

If i was head of the balance team believe me when i say his ult would be rocket punch.

You want GOATs to be defeated? You’ll have to CC them apart and Doomfist needs to be an option to do that.

Honestly though if you can’t kill him that’s on you.

His ultimate is still the most garbage ult in the game.

Don’t even mention this please. This disgusted me in a way that i havent been playing the game in months, i mean, the balance team takes so many good decisions that they completly destroyed Doomfist (one of the few heroes capable of dealing with goats) in a meta were he was one of if not the greatest counter to it. Just imagine if he was viable with Sombra i’m sure we’d not have goats all the time in OWL/Contenders cause there are many good DF there who would force them to switch.

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I know man I know. Can you imagine if he had just stayed strong, GOATs might’ve already been defeated by now. I love Doomfist.

Honestly after these buffs I’d like his ultimate to be made better or just changed to something more useful.

Honestly, his cc and burst combo’s were never the problem. That’s his design, it’s what makes doomfist do what he does. The problem was more so a case of how far he could initiate from. When you have this insta kill combo ready to destroy your backline with no way of stopping it due to roof gliding/ramp jumps and jump cancels, he was able to get kills that only hanzo and widow could rival. Sure he puts himself at risk but if he takes out the main healer, his job is done. He can die and his team still wins that team fight.

Problem with this game is that when they go for out of nowhere nerfs they fill the hero with bugs and make the hero useless for god knows how long. DF won’t be as good even with the “buffs” they’ll release next week.

The problem is his kit, it’s like Sombra the fun is one sided.

Nothing you can do, maybe give other ways to counter Doomfist instead of nerfing him.


Theres already a lot of ways to counter him Pi-face

Like Sombra ?
Fight fire with fire uh ?

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Long range heroes and CC are good counters Tabooty

I don’t really have a problem with Doomfist, I play Ashe and her coach gun is really useful against him but people will still complain about him.

Exactly, you get it Grim Heaper

I can only imagine the horror…ugh, let me guess, there was an uncontested widow to boot…shivers…

Come one, seriously. Let’s let it go live before the fear factor is expressed… for pete’s sake… I am guessing he pushed you up against a wall a few times and took your lunch money ?

I am feeling catty this morning, so I am going to give the Brig defender’s response and the Genji main’s response “GiT gUd aND lEArNz hOWz tO cOUNtErz”

GOATS just highlights the balancing conundrum of “no limits roles”. If a 2/2/2 role queue/lock is not implemented Blizzard are absolutely hamstrung by role stacking. They CANNOT add more strong heroes without forming more GOATS metas… can’t really add another shield tank like Rein or Orisa because pirate ship becomes a nightmare, can’t really add another burst AOE healer like Moira because bunker becomes a nightmare with endless heal potential. Can’t add another hero like Doomfist because then dive becomes a nightmare.

Anyone complaining about the Doomfist nerfs ought to be on-board with a role-queue. Otherwise all we’re going to get from this point on is cancer metas, new characters that are really weak, and continual sledgehammer nerfs/reworks to strong existing characters with no possible in-between.

When you can stack endless synergy balance becomes impossible. Then we all become meta-slaves and “creativity” really and truly is gone. Role-queue will SAVE “creative” comps, not end them.

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DF nerf didnt change much in highest tier while the forum cried that DF is ded. Now, the buff brings 1% buff and guess what, some people started to complain again lol

And make meteor strike a 4 sec cooldown. I’d be ok w that.