Doomfist Probs (The title has to be 15 characters)

I may be the only person thinking this, but I honestly think that they could just give Doomfist his original hitbox back. As it stands, he’s almost impossible to play because you have to be so accurate with your punches that if you have even a small amount of lag, you’re going to be punching through people that you definitely should have hit. I mean sure he might be a little overpowered, but I really feel like it would be better for him to be playable and a little OP with about half of the rest of the roster countering him than him being basically unplayable.


He’s certainly not “almost impossible to play”. His RP is hard to hit on smaller targets, and even harder considering the lack of reticle, but that’s kind of the point. It’s balance comes in big part with how hard it is to use.

However, I’d say with Brige and the new proposed reaper and mei buffs, he’ll be having an even hard time finding usefulness, but buffing RP isn’t going to make him more applicable outside of his niche

Your title would have fifteen characters in it if you’d called it “Doomfist Problems”. You’re weird.


I play a good bit of him, and my problem isn’t that his RP is hard to use. It’s that it’s not hard because you have to be accurate. It’s hard because it’s inconsistent even when used correctly. It’s no secret that Doomfist has been plagued with bugs for a long time now and if you get unlucky and have those bugs often, or even just don’t have the best internet connection, it’s almost impossible to get use out of him.

I concur with you Op. Doom should have his original hitbox back. It was designed Initially that size for a reason.

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RP really isnt as buggy as everyone seems to say it is. If you have a poor connection, expect poor results - that’s just kind of something you have to deal with in fast paced fps games. Yes, he has bugs, but, size wise, his RP hitbox is fine. Calling for the old one is kinda ridiculous, I think a lot of people forgot how lenient it was - you could literally punch people through cars or if only their feet were on your screen.


DF kinda main here, I disagree. I usually play him in FFA, QP or when hog gets taken in comp.
Doomfist’s RP is a sniper shot on a lower CD, and can be used for mobility too. DF is a cambo hero, not a 1 punch hero. Large hitbox was very tilting to play against, and it made DF very easy to play as well. Large hitbox on RP is not good for the game.

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Welcome to the room of wonders, you can explore and see for yourself, how wrong you are. Click on it.

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Apperantly the rp hitbox was increased in the latest ptr dont know how true that is though

I’ve got about 130 hours on Doom so I feel confident saying that most bugs are pretty situational interactions. The way people talk about DF, you’d think he can’t walk out of spawn without glitching into the wall. (the thread you linked literally says a “gazillion” bugs). Rocket punch in particular is very reliable imo.

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I don’t think i have to say anything more.

It is very true. On PTR the RP is actually reliable now.

I’m not sure about his original hitbox but his current one is pathetic.

Does rocket punch still shrink?

No. I tested it with zarya in the same place, i was on zarya, she can’t be missed in that spot on gibraltar. I actually tried to actively dodge it, couldn’t do it once.

Yeah I noticed I was hitting a lot more punches on PTR but I just it was because people were bad and not trying to dodge it

Excellent. However, even a hitbox buff won’t help him substantially- it’ll certainly make him BETTER, but not all too much. Certain heroes will still absolutely dominate him (Pharah, Tracer, Reaper especially with his new buffs, Brigitte, Bastion, Sombra, etc). He needs just something a little extra. 50 Armour instead of 50 extra HP (200 HP 50 Armour) would help him, in my opinion- he’s bigger than Brigitte and has no shield but she has armour and he doesn’t.

Would it be possible for you to make a follow up video to the shrinkage demonstrating this change when you get the chance?

Probably not. I don’t see much point to do it. I did the shrinkage vid coz it wasn’t obvious, it didn’t work as expected but nobody knew what was going on.

Here it just works as expected, i can just tell you that if it looks like it hit, it hits. There is not much point in making a video about it when it is intuitive and people know exactly what is going on.