Doomfist needs an emergency rework asap

Nope. walking counters the ult and prediction isnt viable because they can just walk the other way. its no kill unless they are very low or distracted.

In fairness, Ball is a LOT easier to counter than Doomfist. Fist can usually slip away from any of his ā€œcountersā€ if heā€™s smart. Sombra is the only reliable one and itā€™s a little irritating that he almost forces the other team to play Sombra.

Iā€™m low masters right now, but Iā€™m usually low GM/3900ish and Doomfist has been wrecking everybody up there for a couple of seasons. These are all players that know how to play the game well, too. We know HOW to counter him. Itā€™s just unreasonably difficult to do.

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Please tell me how to survive as Ana, because so far doomfist ult is a death sentence.

I know you can do some funny stuff around pillars, but outside of that, I canā€™t break the DaVinci Code.

Just walk away from the center. If he puts it in front of you, walk the other way. as long as you arent in that circle you canā€™t die from the ult. and after when he drops down, you can sleep him instantly and he cant do anything about it.


Why not? Suddenly no vertical movement is acceptable? Even hammondā€™s piledriver?

Youā€™ve always known overwatch had many heroes that can stun, why did you start playing only find Doomfist to be the problem?

Why should anything in overwatch only work from certain directions?

After charging up for a whole second while super slow! Where youā€™d get easy headshots on him, canā€™t deal 250 damage in a second with headshots?

Itā€™s fair because itā€™s an ultimate.

Why should anyone care what streamers think?

They donā€™t care about your opinion because itā€™s an opinion and opinions arenā€™t reasons. Opinions are only as valuable as the reasons that back up those opinions.

Play any tank.

Play Bastion. Play Pharah.

Play Junkrat and mine + nade combo him. Also his trap.

Play McCree and stun-lock him.

Play mei and ice-block then freeze him.

Reaper bait him out with wraith and then spam shotgun blasts into him.

Any of the snipers can easily snipe him in the points in his animation where he slows or stops.

Torbā€™s turret.

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Unless the target has already taken damage. Avoiding the center is all it takes to survive, and you got time to jump out because of its delay coming down.

Its not the same Ult as it was before after the nerf. Its still an unfair satellite cannon but its worse offensively.

Honestly, it should have been reworked but Blizz doesnā€™t want to make the effort.

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He needs to be within 5m for this to happen, almost literally encompassing your entire screen with his Hitbox. Every Hero in the game does more than 35dps at that point.

Only with one ability.

Factually false. He can only his people with rocket punch who are on the same horizontal axis as him, he cannot punch in any other direction. This means he punches in a circular area, not a spherical one, which is what you are describing.

Needs to be charged for at least 1 second to do full damage.

As I said above, every hero can do more than 35dps, which is the value of his shields.

A damage ult meant to kill people is being used to escape. That is a win for you. That would be like saying that a Genji using Drsgonblade for the extra dash to escape is OP. You see how ridiculous that sounds?

Huh, people are not demanding a Hero be nerfed? Sounds like they think heā€™s balanced. You are part of the minority.

Except, once again, you are the minority in thinking that he is OP, so no, they donā€™t have to.

Are you ok? Iā€™m serious, are you hurt anywhere? Because Doomfistā€™s ult was nerfed so hard that it is almost impossible to kill people who arenā€™t already almost dead with it.

What kind of potato are you playing this game with where this is true? This sounds like a YOU problem and not a Doomfist problem. Maybe you should try to get better at the game?

Play Sombra. Youā€™re welcome.


Doomfist is good againts most heroes

There isnā€™t much you can do againts a doomfist that is equally good as you, he has most of the advantage unless multiply teammates focus him down

The only time doomfist is considered a bad pick is when enemy team is coordinated, which is rare

Also how Iā€™m I ā€œbtchingā€? Doomfist is strong, you must be the bad one if you believe is weak

You DO NOT speak for every overwatch player at all.

using an ULT, to escape? while every other hero can use it to actually provide something to a fight.

Maybe because they know heā€™s balanced?

Literally every one in the game can dodge it.
Also didnā€™t you say its used to escape? hmmm.

Play Sombra.

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Preach it my bubba

Doomfist needs a nerf to his shields or something.

Literally a doomfist inted by ulting into my team i hooked him did a 300 damage combo AND HE STILL LIVED AND KILLED MY WHOLE TEAM HOW TF

Thats more on your team for not shooting the guy. he excells when nobody is focusing him, but when he does get focus he dies really fast because of his hitbox size.

No, if you arenā€™t slept, graved or otherwise immobilized, even as Ana, dying to a Meteor Strike is embarrassing.

If you say so, big guy.