Doomfist is the epitome of frustrating design

At this point it’s pretty clear that this character is problematic. He goes from being dumpster tier to a raid boss at the tip of a hat. He can one-shot people from massive distances. His kit is filled with more bugs than an ant hill.

None of that really matters in comparison to just how much CC he has; he can use a CC ability on you every 2 seconds without down time. That’s 30 abilities every minute. I barely get control of my character again before I’m heading in another direction of his choosing.

I have nothing against Doomfist players, but I’d rather play Mei’s snowball offensive on repeat than play a tank against a skilled Doomfist.


I feel like he’s not crazy better after this patch, people are just using him more since he has a change. He’s still pretty much the same.

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Can the “one shot from across the map” hyperboles please stop?

There are heroes who ACTUALLY do this like Widow and Hanzo yet there are nothing like the threads I see on a daily basis.

Forum Doomfist is the most powerful hero ever implemented apparently.


He…kind of is an interesting case study in design.

He takes the Warrior - Mage - Rogue design and tilts it, big time.

Warriors hit super hard, but have a hard time getting in on the Mage, or hitting the Rogue.

Rogues, hit fast, have easier time getting in on the Mage, but if they are hit by the Warrior, they die.

Mages, attack from range, and have tools to escape.

Doomfist, now that his mobility has been fully realized, is both Warrior, and Rogue, and anyone that is a Mage, is a smear on the wall.

Its kind of odd, but I imagine he will ALWAYS be an issue, one way or the other.


There used to be. They’ll go back to that once they get done complaining about whatever the OP hero of the week is

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Just look at the stats: he has went between a 49 to 51% win rate every day for the past month pre-buff. Since the patch, he has has a 53~55% win rate every day without fail.

Forum Doomfist can one-shot people from across the map by just pressing a button, doesn’t even need to aim. Forum Doomfist can leap from one side of the map all the way across to the other side with no cooldown on his abilities. Forum Doomfist gets a 6-man Meteor Strike everytime he uses ult. Forum Doomfist is immune to CC and thrives even in a CC-heavy meta. Forum Doomfist has the healthpool of a armored warrior and never have to worry about losing any HP.


I think he’s just an annoying character to deal with, and his relative strength in the meta only really means how often we’ll be seeing him in ladder. There’s never been an iteration of Doomfist that got me pumped to see him on the enemy team, regardless of how OP or UP he is in that moment. He hits hard, he’s difficult to track, he gets a lot out of being supported by his team.

But he isn’t impossible to beat, a lot of it just comes down to relying on your DPS to handle him, which is always going to be a matter of luck in pick-up games. Aside from maybe Brigitte, there isn’t any support hero that does well going into him, just better options for breaking out of his combos, and pretty much all tanks will have problems dealing with him alone.

Personally, I haven’t seen enough Doomfist this patch to get a good feel for him. He’s more present, but he feels about as obnoxious as before his buffs. Perhaps all the other buffs to DPS have just outshined him for me?

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An uptick like this is nothing to worry about. The pro teams haven’t started scrimming the new patch yet. Once they declare that doomfist is still not great, people will pick him less.

Believe me, I think Doomfist’s design is the absolute worst design ever.

But these exaggerations have to stop. He does not oneshot across the map. He has to hurl himself in and he doesn’t have that level of mobility.

It’s okay to be frustrated by someone’s design, but it’s just not good practice or fair to exaggerate.


He one shots across virtually any realistic engagement range. It changes nothing, he’s not a sniper.

The whole idea of ‘let’s put a fighting game character into an FPS’ was stupid.

Fights are supposed to be skill matchups, right? How are you supposed to compare my ability to snipe with my opponent’s ability to play a fighting game? He’s always going to be a balance nightmare that feels unfair a lot.

And sniper can one shot at any range, and btw Doomfist cant one shot outside of his ult

Doomfist can hit the enemy team into the 2nd map on any control map (they will get a loss for the first map)

Doomfist can hit your hero so hard, your game will automatically uninstall. SAD

Doomfist can generate enough tears from foes that he can terraform mars.

No, it wasn’t I think the terms you are looking for are: ‘original’ and ‘awesome’. Don’t be blinded by your anger at the implementation.

The same way you compare Mercy main’s ability to survive and get key heals in at the appropriate moments, vs Hanzo flicks vs DVA defense matrixing the key target at the right time.

It just happens.

Don’t get me wrong, doomfist likely needs some more tweaks, but if anything maybe more melee fighters needs to be introduced. (Rein was one of the first right?)

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Players experience and interaction with Doomfist.

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IMO a lot of this drama could’ve been avoided if he was released as a brawler with less CC and mobility but higher durability/sustain.

But now it’s too late to drastically rework him because too many players have invested a lot of time into his current kit.

His CC is less worse than before. Unless you are heroes that are really helpless against booping.
What increased most is his mobility

Whoa it sounds like widow maker

Forum heroes are literal GODS
Unkillable and can kill their hard counters with ease

Forum junkrat can kill a pharah before the pharah kill him and then kill the rest of the enemy

Forum doom is a cc god and kills someone and disappears without a trace