Doomfist is a terrible design.. just rework this trash

they’ve already kind of crippled his E distance, i think at this point if you don’t hear the approach it’s on you

Please no. His E has already been crippled enough.

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Mei, Tracer, Sombra, Widow, etc. all counter him.

Switch off and hard counter / target him and make him switch.

Just get good at Sombra and you’ll send him back to Nigeria crying.

Well…It is pretty stupid that Forum Doomfist does that with basically W+M2, and it causes the game to crash, so you lose 100SR for leaving QP.


QP? Forum Doomfist punches you so hard he forces you to switch like your playing mystery heroes.

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With a hitbox the size of the payload.



IKR dam forum Doomfist so OP. He’s got perma invis, guaranteed oneshots with every single ability, and can fly around the map at will. Sombra doesn’t even counter him, he can just oneshot heroes from long range with his hand cannon. He’s essentially a better version of Widow with flight, perma invis, and 5 different methods of CC.

pls nerf him bl0zzard. forum doomfist steal my ELO


AnD dEy SaY, aNd DeY sAy, AnD dEy SaY


Not gonna lie. When I first got Overwatch it was just out of curiosity and I fell in love immediately. My opinion of Overwatch plummeted after the introduction of Doomfist and that hasn’t changed. His awful design has done a tremendous amount of damage to my opinion of the game… and I don’t think I am alone.

I was under the impression he was one of the weakest heroes right now. I never have trouble dealing with him and I absolutely suck with him.

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Thank you for realizing this, this is one of the main points Doomfist mains try to get across.

Widow also has multiple chances from that safe spot, if a Doomfist messes up the combo and misuses RP he’s stuck there for at least 4 seconds.

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he moves everything now tho. he even moves orisa in golden horse stance.

That’s a bug, because even Lucio boops move Orisa in Fortify. People have posted about it several times in the bugs section.


Not at all.

Exaggerated? Most definitely.

Doomfist is quite strong in the situations he’s strong in, but those situations aren’t “all situations”.

Doomfist, “frustration” issues aside for those that have them, is in my opinion an example of how more heroes should be purely from a balance perspective.

Again, He’s quite strong in specific situations. But he’s not so strong in all situations that he’s a “must pick”, while at the same time not being so niche that his niche is basically non existent.

As he is experienced in ladder play by literally 90% of the player base, he’s basically a 50% win rate hero.

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How to beat Doomfist.

  1. Pick Reaper
  2. Look in DF’s direction
  3. Spam all your ammo.
  4. If DF looks like he is going to rocket punch you, hit Wraith form and laugh at him then go back to step 1.

:thinking: Doomfist is bad hero design…
:eyes: Brigette
:eyes: Pharah
:eyes: Mercy
:eyes: Baptiste

Yeah… sure. Why not. :rofl:

I really hate doomfist… I really do.

Forum Doomfist at it again…

What’s this time? Forum Doomfist killed you by snapping his finger while staying at spawn?