Doomfist feels fine to me

Junkrat’s bomb can be destroyed, and he can be killed while he’s using it. has to give up 1/4 of her health and there’s tons of time to get behind cover. Rein can be stunned or have earthshatter blocked, and has to put down his shield to use it, which makes him vulnerable. Genji has to be in line of sight and in close range of the enemy team to kill anyone. They all have varying degrees of risk and ways of being directly shut down. Meteor strike has no risk and no possibility of being directly stopped. An ult with 0 risk should not be anywhere near as powerful as ults with risk.

I’m still seeing Dooms 1v6 and win.

Meteor strike do have counterplays my friend,

Zarya bubble, Barriers, Nano boost, Sound barrier, mobility, zen ult( only option for zen himself though).

Dva’s ult also can’t be directly shut down but yes it has counterplays and it too doesn’t have too many risks

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Sounds like the enemy team was so bad :thinking:


And tracer, genji, widow…even junkrat and reapper. You will see that for ever but junkrat and reapper are crap as much as doomfist. He has a 0.44% of pickrate in gm right now. He is literally fighting with junkrat to get out of that position.

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Chipsa showing you how much invencible he is. Stream from 2 days ago…

didnt kill anyone and die to a zen…ohhh was that possible?

All your comments are ok for bronze players fighting against smurfs. You should do something to get out of bronze.


“Meteor strike has no risk and no possibility of being directly stopped. An ult with 0 risk should not be anywhere near as powerful as ults with risk.”

Not all heroes are the same. Not all ultimates are the same. Lots of ultimates are stopped/punished/handled during activation, lots are stopped/punished/handled post-activation. Doomfist is effectively an ultimate that is to be stopped/handled/punished post-activation.

The best way to handle this ultimate is displayed as a Tip in the loading screens.

"Move unpredictably to make it more difficult for enemies to hit you. "

Prediction is a very large part of multiplayer online games. Overprediction and underprediction are events that are dealt with by characters like Pharah and Junkrat on a second-to-second basis. Abilities, weapons, and overall characters in Overwatch have their efficiency bound to their ability to better predict movement.

Being rewarded for movement prediction with kills via an ultimate is a naturally fitting element.

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you talk like tracer and sombra ult doesnt exist

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This is already a bad start, for one it puts him in the “niche” category that Blizzard has been trying to take all heroes out of, so already that would imply he needs change, and two it implies that the vast majority of his value is solely in going for the fully charged RP, making him the most literal definition of a one-trick hero, which is also incredibly bad as most people who were actually good with Doomfist rarely even use the RP as their primary DPS unless the rest of their kit is still on cooldown.

Except now it’s basically the ONLY part of his kit.

Which was fixed with the movement restrictions being removed.

The entire ideology behind this post is so deeply flawed…

Also, just a note, for a character to drop 7% winrate in such a short span like this, would basically mean that they’re doing nothing but losing. Clearly that’s a good sign, right? When you pick Doomfist and just always lose?


And as most of the other people have stated, your footage is wildly in favor of you as Doomfist. The enemy team was playing HORRIBLY, that’s not a good measure of how Doomfist performs in an actual, working team.

The enemy team is only as bad as I am. If I were a better Doomfist, I’d be a higher MMR and thus the enemies would be better and so would I. People need to spend a little bit of time adjusting to him and change their playstyle. I’ve been getting gold damage in most of my games with him in fact.

That’s not a justification… Whether you’re good or bad at the character there’s a cutoff where people simply don’t know how or don’t have the mechanical skill to deal with things like these and that’s WHY they’re at that MMR. So no, pitting yourself against other low MMR players doesn’t mean you can use it to say Doom is balanced or OP.

And again, the “playstyle” you’re trying to encourage is just to be a right-click bot, and that’s unbelievably bad. Also just from the title of that video and claiming Ashe is OP I can tell your judgement might not be the greatest…

You saying Ashe isn’t OP?

Definitively stating it more like.

What rank are you though?

Diamond. I’m only that low because I had to reach it through placements of every season alone due to internet troubles preventing me from playing consistently. Can’t climb any higher when you always decay back to 3000.

Her right click shots are way too OP.

No, they’re really not…

How long have you spent playing Doomfist if I may ask? (Since the nerfs)

Probably a couple hours here and there. He’s not worth using anymore since there are plenty of picks that do the job better.

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You just need to practice him more. If you think right click is the “only part” of his kit I believe you are mistaken. As you see in my videos I used all of his kit to secure kills, right click is just the most reliable finisher now.