Doomfist feels fine to me

As in, used in combination with your teammates’ CC abilities - sleep being one of them.

It honestly doesn’t matter what you run into a doom, his ttk potential was too quick from too long of a range. Toning down Ana or Zen will not fix that, since you know, it’s a problem with Doom.

TTK was necessary since the moment you get CC’d you’re dead. That and the insane amount of burst healing in the game.

It does and you’d know if it you played him or were in the game a year or so ago.

And toning down Ana will get her out of the game at lower ranks. That would give an opportunity for Mercy to shine down there since she’s less at risk going against a DF than she is.

Wow. Yes you should be able to dive into 6 enemies and get a kill because if not they’ll kill you. That is the most flawless logic i’ve heard yet.

Really, cause i’m pretty sure doom was the panic go to on OWL on many points because of his insane mobility and pick potential on dive, the most mobile team comp to exists yet. Funny that. Hydration is probably the best example.

Ana is already suffering in lower ranks. her pick rate means nothing when her win rate is sub par. People playing her are trying to play whats meta and can’t utilize her effectively. It’s the exact same thing that happened in triple tank. Which is why you would see Mercy had Similar or better win rates in low elo then and now.

Yes. If I dive into 6 enemies and more than likely all 6 have some form of CC on them and I still get the kill then yes, I deserve it.

Idk what it was you’re trying to argue here lol

Yes, a less effective version of Mei to keep the point alive. Don’t you find it weird that he wasn’t played at all besides last second saves? Again this discussion with you is uhh lol

And she ends up as food for trashcan DF players as a result. If she’s out then so will be the trashy Dooms and that turns into less yelling on the forums.

And idc about low level winrates. You’re not playing this game competitively or competently but your voices are having an effect on high level play regardless.

See, that’s just sad. No hero should be able to jump into a team of 6 people and come out with an advantage. That is actually broken, and if you think otherwise you’re kind of a lost cause.

If you fail to hit your flashbang
And your Hook
And your dart
And your RP
All of which result in death
I deserve the fkin kills


And if you land any of those and finish off doom, it really doesn’t matter cause he’s already taken out your main healer and your team has lost the team fight.

You don’t deserve a free kill, that’s broken, and you’re biased.

And we’re back to swapping to things he doesn’t counter

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You could play Mercy and still get destroyed with his mobility and ttk. Swapping didn’t change anything.

What happend when I hit the Mercy with the guaranteed death combo in the clip?

She got away because of her mobility and every char in the game outside of Zen,76,Sym have a way out of that guaranteed death combo.

And what would have happened had the hog landed his hook on me which would have result in a 1 shot? Mercy would have flew back over and revived her Mccree(Ana|Zen).

Now image that every game because that was the case a year ago except you had to worry about Genji and Tracer following you around 24/7 trying to murder you due to the size of your hitbox


You focused the mccree that you caught in the same combo. lolwut.

And then finished off the Mercy with your abilities being low cooldown enough that you could finish her off.

lolwut. try again. check Cds

also lol at calling me Biased. no wonder you don’t want ana’s accessibility bubble removed


that title is a joke, he’s literal garbage. you cant rely on his combo anymore since any character can walk out of uppercuts range. He’s a soft throw pick now and nothing more. Surefour who doesn’t even play doom enough to care about the character went on a rant on the cry babies who got him nerfed. ppl complained about seeing the same comps but complain about doom whos one of the two counters to goats. now that the whiners have nerfed doom, you will not see anything but goats now that doom will never see any pro play time.


I did. at 4 seconds into the clip you did the same combo to mccree and mercy that you did to just mercy at 12 seconds into the clip. “try again”

You’re pretty focused on Ana in a meta that favors Zen over Ana. You’re also focused on Ana in a thread that’s about doomfist.

Mayhaps you’re just looking for strawman argumant’s.

How is Mercy still alive 12 seconds into the clip if she was hit at 4? Hint Hint GA HINT HINT

Pretty sure I’ve supported everything I wrote. You can keep being biased though

I literally just answered this, but you can choose to be willfully ignorant.

and is that what you think you did? “ana’s picked a lot, therefor doomfist wasn’t broken” Yeah okay.

Awhile ago, I dropped from plat to silver, trying to learn doomfist. I made it back up since then (switching back to my normal roster of heroes), but one game over this weekend I tilted, because we had TWO Torbjorn one tricks on my team, fighting over who got to play Torbjorn, so I decided I would dust off the ol’ Doomfist, seeing as how we were going to lose the game, anyway.

But I was on fire the entire game with all gold medals and we ended up winning. So yeah, after the nerfs, I had my best game ever with Doomfist, lol

The outcome wouldn’t have changed regardless if Mercy was focused or not. Nothing is keeping her in place to be hit by the additional shots if she has someone to GA to. Anyone with mobility can get out of the combo which is why it doesn’t and didn’t work on Genji and Tracer when they were in the meta.

Ana’s pickrate didn’t rise with Dooms. Doom’s rose with Ana’s mostly due to the fact that he hard counters non mobile chars. It be like Pharah v No hitscan and trying to call her OP because of it. It’s silly

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Okay yeah now you’re just arguing to argue. When you e>shift two hero’s at the same time and only shotgun one of them, the outcome is obviously going to be you focused the one you shotgunned which allowed the other one to live.

What do you think doom should be able to jump into a crowed of 6 people, get two kills and then get bursted down now?

The correlation between Doom and Ana’s pickrate is coincidence. Doom is great against tanks. Ana’s picked more because Mercy’s an accessory to dps and Moira’s a heal bot that can be denied the ability to heal.

Also this is a giant false equivalence. A phara can play angles and outplay hitscan, far from op, or broken.

Doom can delete a hero after jumping into 6. That’s not even OP, that’s just broken, considering there is absolutely no way to prevent it from the range he had.