Doomfist Cute Spray Requirement

Yeah, the stars have to align for that one too. I’m just missing Cratered and Halt State now but rapid discord was one of the last ones I got.

Aren’t petition posts frowned upon in the new Code of Conduct?

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This is a hard one I agree, but this is still doable solo in quick play with some dedication. maybe it could be tweaked a bit I don’t mind already got it myself after 30 hours or so.

But still this thread is mainly for Doomfist :smiley:

Pretty much impossible. Blizzard need to change this to make it fairer (and easier) for DF players and possibly give players a chance to finish their collection of cute sprays.

How else do we need to get Blizzard’s attention for the lack in not changing this.
People are saying this for months already.

And if not allowed then the forum post is also fine enough to get their attention.

The problem with changing things like this is the fact that achievements that are difficult add entitlement to people who obtained them before. E.g if I have cratered now and then the requirements are nerfed, I feel skimped since I got it but get nothing out of it? The fact that it is so rare is what adds value to it. It is by far the hardest achievement in the game, but that adds investment and replay-ability.

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Yes i get it its for Doomfist but they cant just change one IMO. i remember the day i got floor is larva even on a defeat i was dancing. But Doomfist is hard i dont deny that still.

I agree, they need to change it. The only reason I have it, is because I ask people in Quick Play if I could “boost” off them to get it. Thankfully, they were nice enough to agree.

The achievement relies wayyyyy too much on randomness, there is just too much coincidence involved to get it.

You need a Zarya, and possibly a Sombra, they all must be in the same spot, no one can be dead, none of them can have and form of invincibility, and no one on your team can kill any of them while you in, arguably, the slowest Ult animation in the game (a majority of the time, when a random, sees a Zarya, they usually go Genji to combo)

Isn’t the cute spray just to hit the complete enemy team with one meteor strike?
That is in line with Winston’s and Sombra’s cute spray.

Hitting people: You need 6.
Killing people: You need 4.

Or am I missing something?

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Yes, but Sombra’s and Winstons are easier, as Sombra’s is a sphere whereas Doomfist’s is a flat circle that cant hit flying heroes, and Winston has more mobility and doesn’t get locked into a long animation when he ults, whereas with Doomfist, the enemies have a lot of time to escape the ult due to animations.

It is common knowledge to scatter out the sound of a Doomfist ult, Sombra’s and Winston’s are almost instant ultimates, so there is little to no time to run away.

The thing you are missing is pointed the post above you.

  • If an enemy is behind shield you cannot get it
  • If an enemy is immune you cannot get it
  • If someone else kills 1 enemy while you get your slow ult out you cannot get it.

This is the only achievement were you need help of Atleast a Zarya and maybe Sombra to even pull this off hoping the rest of your team does not kill 1 player.

Even so then you have to hope the enemy does not have a Sniper or Phara that is staying far away which you cannot Grav then.

I signed here faster than Eminem raps.

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Fair points I don’t play much Doomfist, so I was just curious which made this one so much harder than the other two.

You get my like as well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your vote :slight_smile:

I think that it needs to be changed, however! I think from 6 to 5, 4 is too easy and 6 is too hard. That or increase the speed he drops so ppl cant run or increase AOE… Otherwise you end up needing a grav to do and lez be honest that means you NEED to 6 stack or communicate that the grav is for doomfist or else you get everyone ulting, and you get that 1 greedy idiot… so 6 stacks only! And rly why would anyone do that even in a 6 stack the odds of it working are one in 9999999999999999999999999.

It just shows that Blizzard though Meteor Strike was going to be wayyyyy better than it actually is. Hitting all 6 is pure luck.

Hitting all 6 is nearly impossible at the moment :frowning:

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Things the enemy team cannot have:



Ranged characters:

That’s like half the roster…

And your Zarya has to grab all 6 practically

And your team can’t kill any before you land

So yeah…good luck…need a miracle just to have an ATTEMPT


Do you have to kill or hit 6 with his ult? Hitting 6 is much easier than killing 6.

You have to hit and do damage but its not easy look at the posts above