Doomfist: Countered By Everyone, Counters No One (RANT)

Obviously the title is a bit of a hyperbole, but not all wrong.

Yes I understand… doomfist is a hated hero. I get it.

Characters That Counter Doomfist:

Tank Role
  • Zarya
  • Orisa
  • Roadhog
DPS Role
  • Ashe
  • Bastion
  • Echo
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • McCree
  • Sombra
  • Torb
  • Widowmaker
  • Tracer
Support Role
  • Brigitte
  • Ana
  • Lucio
  • Baptiste

Characters That Doomfist Counters:

Tank Role
  • Winston
DPS Role
  • Mei
  • Symmetra
Support Role
  • Zenyatta

No Value Characters / Neither Counter Each Other:

Tank Role
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Reinhardt
  • Sigma
DPS Role
  • Genji
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Soldier 76
Support Role
  • Mercy
  • Moira
    I would consider them counters as doomfist going for them is pretty much a waste of time and they both can escape his combo. I see it as this; if you remove a hero from the equation that doom cannot go for, because they can escape his combo, it’s a counter. But I’ll just leave them in this category.

I will gladly explain any counters and WHY they counter doomfist if need be.

If you don’t care to read the rest here…
(I suggest reading as it goes more in depth)


  • Passive is a joke, and his survivability is laughable.
  • Combo is slow, sluggish, and unreliable at most times due to nerfs.
  • His ultimate has the kill potential of a wet tissue.
  • His rocket punch is about the only viable thing in his kit and even THAT is weak.

But as it stands, his survivability is laughable. Years later and still the only
character to average double digit deaths in this game.

A tank sized hero, with only 250 HP, and a passive that gives shields on abilities hit. Except that if you get stunned before you can even hit someone with your slam, you’re dead.

If a hitscan sees you, you’re either dead, or you physically can’t go in without getting half your HP shaved off before hitting the ground.

Oh what’s that? Just flank so they can’t see you coming?

That would be nice if doom wasn’t a GIANT HUMAN you can see from a mile away, not to mention the fact that if you wanna flank fast so people have less time to react or so you can get in position faster, you simply cannot, because all your abilities make the LOUDEST noise possible, so they will just automatically know where you are.

Then oh look, you FINALLY get in close enough to start your combo up. Well unfortunately, uuuh ya thought.

His combo has become slow and clunky. His uppercut has an egregious self stun??? He basically counters himself at this point, just from trying to use his own abilities. You either do indicator slams and take too long to kill something cause your slam didn’t do enough damage and you have to take longer being in the middle of the enemy team, OR you go for a 100+ damage slam so you can get out faster but they literally see you coming from a mile away because of the loud high pitched noise his slam makes and the grunts he does, so you get CC spammed before you ever even touch the ground.

It’s either hope the enemy is by themselves so that at MOST you get hit by only 1 CC so you can get out before dying, or the enemy team plays like any rank above plat and they play together, so you can’t even do anything without getting absolutely melted upon entry.

Basically the only times indicator slams are reliable are if the enemy team is idiotic and not saving their CC for you, or if you manage to hit a literal PERFECT combo (indi - slam, basically all pellet headshot, uppercut).

His ultimate is an absolute JOKE of an ultimate for a DPS hero. It provides literally nothing other than a reason for doomfist to go in and feed. Other than that? It has the kill potential of a literal tissue paper.

Here’s the statistical facts:

Meteor strike’s inner circle is 4 meters wide. Characters in this game move at a speed of 5.5 meters a second. The amount of time it takes doomfist to hit the ground, when he confirms the targeting location, is 1 second. That means everyone in this game (even more so for tracer and genji as they move at 6 m/s) can literally WALK from one side of meteor strike’s inner circle to the other, and an extra 1.5 meters before doomfist hits the ground.

(Ofc not even mentioning the people with movement abilities.)

Its kill potential is non existent outside of killing people stuck in literal corners.

Then finally there’s his rocket punch. The almighty one shot, the almighty broken ability, the almighty annoyance. But in my eyes, the most balanced one shot in this game. His rocket punch has also been turned into a slow sluggish ability when they nerfed it to a 1.4 second charge up time. The only time you’re getting a kill with this thing is if the enemy is straight up not paying attention or… yea no, that’s about it.

It’s hilariously easy to not only HEAR but SEE. It’s makes a loud high pitched sound, he grunts like he just got punched by Brock Lesnar in the gut, and he then proceeds to LIGHT UP LIKE A GIANT CHRISTMAS TREE IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD PARK.

Is the option of reworking doomfist always available? Yes. Do I think it’s necessary? NO.

There are SO many changes this hero can get that won’t make him meta, but make him more playable to his mains. We don’t want him meta, we want our hero to not just be a flying lump of meat.

Hell, even when he had airlock on abilities, 1 second charge up time, 20 meter slam, and a half decent ult he was considered a literal THROW PICK. But now he’s even worse and you have to play him pretty much PERFECTLY for even a CHANCE at providing value for your team.

Please, just consider buffing him?

Shield gain increased to 35??? Revert the uppercut nerf which he literally didn’t deserve AT ALL??? Slam buffs???


Tank role: Sigma.

LOL, no.


He has a stun. That’s an automatic doom counter.

Not only that, if he isn’t a hero that counters him (which he is) he’s a hero doom can’t even go for as it’s pointless.

Sig can just eat his his shots during his combo.

Until they make Doom less of a “bang my head in frustration” kinda hero to play against, then he should stay mediocre


Even with like 1 or 2 buffs, he will still most likely be mediocre. Don’t worry.

He’s had more than he has now, and still was considered terrible.

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There is a hero that counters even less people while being countered by a lot of heroes aswell.


Nah doom was originally being played cause he was the closest thing to a sigma hard counter. Everything else about this post is spot on though.

You make it sound like Doom cant fight back against that. Doom can to sig:

Go through barrier
Go through grasp
Easily get out of a sig ult
Force sig to waste his stun (Its easy to dodge a sig stun with doom as you’re so fast and that sigs stun is so slow)
Easily delete his large health pool with punch+ uppercut+ shoot combo before sig tends to have a chance to stun.

Look im not saying Doom doesn’t need a buff because that would be a lie, but saying hes pretty much useless against most heroes is dumb.

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Mercy :slight_smile:
Jokes aside, the doom situation is hard. Extremely annoying to play against while fun to play as. They have got a huge problem on their hands with this one.


Actually the only reason doom was ever picked wasn’t because of being a counter to anyone, it’s just the fact shields made it impossible for literally ANYONE to do anything, and doomfist is the only character who could get past those shields.

That’s the thing though, doomfist would have to risk having to go directly for sig to drag out those abilities. Which doomfist cannot only risk doing, but also would be pointless.

Sure his abilities can go through grasp, but nothing else can, sig can still eat his shots during combo’s. You’re doing less than 200 damage to sig in that combo. Even 125 slam and uppercut is only 175 damage.

Sig’s rock can hit doom while he’s trying to combo any of his teammates and fully counter him there. Hell, doom’s uppercut recovery time is over HALF of the casting time of sig’s rock ability so it’s not as though it’s too slow to pull off.

True, but it’s kinda hard for a character who never shoots nor has any offensive abilities other than damage boost to kinda counter anyway.

Though in a way, rez sorta counters snipers?

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Wait how long has it been since I last saw you? X’D

That being said, yeah…Doom is…yeah.

you’re making it sound like sig will constantly have his rock for doom, and you’re pretty much saying sigs rock is the speed of sound like a mccree stun and will always get doom. No. Look I agree with you on a lot of your points in your post but its clearly obvious you have exaggerated stuff to “Make your point”. Not gonna keep arguing, just making my point.

that you dont seem to understand.

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This is an extremely exaggerated list.
For example, you listed baptiste, soldier, lucio, ana to counter doom?

Just going to bring this up, I know you won’t like it, but a LOT of people hate doomfist. On my survey I did a while ago, he was by FAR the most hated hero and this was taken from multiple platforms (reddit, comp reddit, forums, twitter, youtube)


Jit is perzonic I’m pretty sure

Hasn’t Soldier always been one of the better dps for Doomfist to fight? I feel like Soldier lacks the mobility to get away and helix isn’t a strong enough burst to kill him.


Nah she really doesn’t counter anyone in particular. She is the stereotypical support. Buff your allies and make them fight for you. Maybe if the other supports followed her footsteps the game would be better.

Baptiste can super jump to avoid his combo entirely and immort to stop OHK from punches.

Soldier is a ranged hitscan… that’s an automatic counter to a literal MELEE HERO. He can sprint to avoid slam, he can even sprint and constantly flick his mouse around after getting uppercut to make it extremely difficult to finish him off with shots.

Lucio has boop? A CC ability? Automatic doom counter. Not to mention speed to avoid doom ult and slam.

Ana has sleep dart??? Literally a top 3 doom counter. A 5 second stun that is HILARIOUSLY easy to hit on a doomfist, especially while slamming in or after uppercut. She can also out right mitigate his combo on people with her heals. She can ALSO nade herself while getting combo’d to add an instant 100 hp back to herself. Doom isn’t about to do 300 damage in a single combo.

Soldier is a ranged hitscan… that’s an automatic counter to a literal MELEE HERO. He can sprint to avoid slam, he can even sprint and constantly flick his mouse around after getting uppercut to make it extremely difficult to finish him off with shots. Also his recent change with no more spread means he can just hold his button down and not have to worry about stray bullets, so it’s even EASIER to hit doomfist than before.

Direct helix does 120. So all you really need to do is hit 7 bullets, than helix him as he lands on you, and it’s the spawn room for doomfist.

Shouldn’t you be trying to pick off Soldier while he is out of position or flank him as Doom?

What are you doing running straight at him and/or staying in his LoS? Them being “ranged hitscan” doesn’t mean they counter him automatically. That’s ridiculous.

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