Doomfist and Genji are perfectly fine

Can’t help you think Ana is the only cause of any creep in this game, and it’s a bad take.

Can’t help supports had to be able to defend themselves from over tuned flankers, so Moira and Brig were created.

Don’t hate on me, because the game isn’t what you want it to be.

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You can’t help giving bad take with zero logic.

I never said Ana was the only cause of powercreep. I merely pointed out how stupid your take is. “Ana was made to deal with powercreep.”

And you couldn’t back up your statement with any fact or data whatsoever, then went on to crying about flankers which is an entirely different issue from powercreep.

You’re a joke. Your knowledge is lacking and you frequently use rank shame as part of your argument. I never minded that you are a silver ranked player. Many low rank players have decent understanding of the game. You don’t.

Says the guy who nonstop attacks anyone with a notion different than yours. It’s all over your post history, and sure I mess with people, but you do it in an actual trolling way of “I’m better than you and I know it, so here’s what I think because I think you’re dumb.”

You’re a known wanna be troll who fails at trolling anyone, then screams and tantrums at the person for not taking your bait.

Sorry that damage has been buffed to the moon while most supports have only seen nerfs. When you can use your “facts” to debate that, do come back, but you don’t have anything that I’ve seen substantial in anything you’ve ever posted on this forum.

When your confidence returns, do try again, but please have some humility.

Do not bother trying to rebuttle this, it’s way too obvious through your post history what you are, nor will I give you any more attention you crave.

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I didn’t attack you for your bad take. I just laughed.

And then you started rank shame.

After I let you have your fill, I asked you to explain yourself.

But you didn’t. You moved on to crying about 4 flankers diving.

Even then, I still give you a response without insulting you. Asking you to further explain how 4 flankers diving Ana has to do with powercreep and how Ana was made to address it.

Then you got nothing.

It’s easier to complain than it is to take 50-100+ hours and learn a character and experience the game in their shoes.

Actually, I’ve been reading through both threads, and you actually called him bronze first.

If you’re going to pull the “Well he started it!” card, at least get your facts straight.

Look at other posts from him, he has a profile with 37 mins in competitive, no data in qp, but talks down to everyone like he’s a t500. Of course I’m going to try and get to find what rank he actually is.

But still, look through his other posts, he nonstop talks down to everyone rank wise.


You nonstop talk down to anyone and everyone as though you’re OWL level, so don’t go pretending like you’re morally superior.

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I am in this sense, since he literally does not show anything about who he is, being scared to post on his main account (Or maybe it got banned, better explanation). Perhaps before you jump on the “Poor Pooch” bandwagon, you actually understand who he tries to make himself out to be.

Nice try being a Pooch clone though.

Are you seriously accusing me of being an alt account for Pooch?

The fact people still think Doomfist and Genji are solid heroes in this meta worries me for the future of this community


Give it two weeks, and they’ll all be saying instead “They’re not bad, this just isn’t their meta!” as if Doomfist wasn’t nerfed last time he was good in his meta and Genji was ever used in his meta.

Didn’t say that, that is your assumption, and it’s also a wrong one, but tell yourself what you need to.

Because the community does not agree with the minority of complaints that Genji and Doom do not need buffs, but bug fixes?

When will people learn every hero will not work in EVERY meta, and tip: Genji only starts to fall off in high diamond to master and sucks in GM/T500. That’s not “underpowered” or “unviable”.

How do you expect people to react to “Nice try being a Pooch clone”? That doesn’t have positive connotations no matter your intention.

Doomfist got nerfed because he was good in Double-Shields and was one of few characters that could competently combat it.

Genji has never been used in a Dive meta professionally, being subbed in with Widowmaker pretty consistently - someone who is weak to Dive.

How do you not see the problem in these examples?

Dude I tried having a discussion with you and let you explain your position. You went radio silent when pressed.

Wanna give it another go?
Prior to Ana’s release, there was nothing but nerf to damage. On the patch that Ana was released, McCree was also massively buffed, but nerfed after 7 days.

So, what was the powercreep that led to Ana’s creation (and her massive healing) to deal with it?

How about, what does “4 flankers diving on supports that led to creation of Brigitte and Moira” have to do with powercreep? Do you even know what the four flankers were at that time?

Don’t blame me on “talking you down” when you can’t defend your illogical statements.

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Ana had to have high healing she had because of the amount of damage that could be picked at once. A lot of the times, I would end up in a 5 dps 1 support match where I just would swap to another DPS because I was not going to try to deal with that.

In comes Ana, with her sleep, nade, and high healing, I had a fighting chance to actually be able to push off or kill a flanker or two, and still heal my team.

Then came people like Doomfist, who basically forced the creation of Moira and Brig to be able to have supports who could counter him.

If 2-2-2 was in from the jump, we would not be having this conversation right now, at all, because a lot of the creep cycles we’ve had, all stemmed from pre-role queue, it’s time now for everything to be nerfed, with buffing tanks to make the game actually balanced and able to be played in any role without it being such a chore to do so.

Since then supports have been nerfed in their healing, CC times, everything, but DPS has mainly seen buffs (With some net nerfs here and there).

So yeah, Ana was created to deal with how much damage can be picked at once, then Doom created power creep, and it’s only snowballed since then.

Uppercut got nerfed
Armor got nerfed
Punch got nerfed

A year before that
Slam got nerfed distance (and damage)
uppercut got nerfed cc
Ult can no longer get kills reliably

Doomfist was never op in double shield. The only buffs he received were 35 shields and bug fixes. Doom is overnerfed when you consider the top dps and supports right now. If Ashe, cree, tracer are the standard, doomfist is pretty weak. If they aren’t the standard and are too strong, they along with meta supports like bap will need to be tuned down to his level. Thats the reality. Doomfist is a rush hero that wasn’t played in rush over ranged poke heroes. That says a lot.

Sure some of those nerfs were justified, but there were definitely some that were overboard or needed compensation which never happened. Doomfist has been colossally mishandled by the devs since inception. From 50 plus bugs to terrible balancing and everything in between. Doomfist could feel a lot better for everyone and blizzard has not solved it at all.

Genji is bad at higher tiers which means he’s bad. Yes the majority can play him due to lack of coordination or mechanics, but that’s most lower tier heroes. There’s no coincidence that genji, bastion, and junk get worse the higher you go.

Genji was not a tank shredder the way I define it. He had no more damage than echo or cree right now. An extra 12 damage per 2 right clicks doesn’t all of a sudden make genji the new reaper. Yes he was a flanker but thats what he should be. He’s designed to confirm kills and dash out. Support players will always hate genji because of that. His current playstyle is farm blade for 2 mins and then force it into 90 ccs and ults. It’s not fun at all. The problem with june genji was he could snowball easily. As soon as you won one fight, you immediately had an ult charge advantage by a mile with your buffed damage and better ability to duel. After that, it would be an early blade before trans, beat, whole hog, grav, flux or any counter ult which made blade far better than it was intended to be. If you won 1 fight early, you win a second fight easily. THAT was the problem with june genji.

This is why genji mains on the forums are getting pissed. No. “Genji mains” didn’t complain. It was a couple deluded people that probably didnt put in the work to understand how powerful he was. He needed nerfs and anyone who was competent or followed pro play knew he was too strong in june. When you lump everyone into one pile, people tend to get annoyed.

A bottom 4 dps clinging onto c tier is not average.

Newest changes were a literal nerf to high level genji, who thrives off of nano blade as his only hope of viability there. Literally does the opposite of it’s intention, which is to buff genji for higher tiers. The minimal fire rate doesn’t even come close to making up for the huge ult charge nerf. This means that he gets out paced by every ult (which is fine) but still doesn’t have a strong base kit to make up for it. Blade is now way easier to counter, whereas his base kit got marginally better. This is a nerf for players in high ranks.

By itself, (without a nano) dragon blade is incredibly inconsistent and sometimes outright terrible. Sure the reward is high, but the risk isn’t even remotely close to worth that. Bob, duplicate, and emp can get the same reward with next to 0 risk involved. Why use blade?

Dragon blade is not a zoning ult whatsoever. He has 200 hp and has to finish targets to escape with a reset. High noon or blizzard can be used from safe positions, making them far better at creating space or zoning. If you dash without kills with blade, youre toast. He has only 200hp and doesn’t have the staying power to create space like a tank. That’s not zoning.

This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of genji. Players can counter the ult, but unlike almost every ult in the game bar maybe doom ult, if you don’t get kills, you’re dead. Every. Time. That becomes not just an ult shutdown, but also a kill for your team. That puts your team at the advantage making blade feel like you’re losing your team the fight when you get rolled by something out of your control. This is why it shouldn’t be the center of his kit. That exchange feels awful when it’s your only real value. You’re right in the fact that ofc players are going to counter you. But it’s funny that players think because blade CAN do something that somehow its an insane ult. I CAN kill 4 with high noon. I CAN get a 6 man shatter. But how bad would the enemy time have to play to allow those things. Idk how this concept flys over everyone head when they talk about genji. Fast ninja man with sword gets a 4 k once and everyone flips their lid instead of considering how much risk it took and where they could actually counter it.

Compare that again to bob or duplicate (top tier dps ults) and shutting them down doesn’t give your team an immediate advantage or score a kill.

Idk where this idea of toxic genji mains came from. “not everyone is a hothead in your community” like ???

Genji mains are almost always respectful on this forum. Generalizing a community because of the toxic genjis in ranked or a couple bad apples here isn’t even remotely fair. I’ve seen toxic players on every role and every hero. It’s probably not your intention to generalize us, but singling out one individual out of the 10 or more who are respectful on these threads is kinda weird. nani is great, but he and many other genji players receive such an enormous amount of unnecessary here hate and it sucks. Idk it doesn’t slide in the brig, mercy, or moira threads but somehow is okay in genji threads. The same names have been toxic and done banable things and are still around. (won’t say names ofc)


June Genji was easy to counter if you had a brain. He wasn’t as op as people thought. McCree right now is stronger than June Genji. Genji did remain bad and still is from the july nerfs, and he drastically became worse after the nerfs. Genji now is still lacking damage. Nano-Blade is easy to counter if you have team play. Dragon Blade doesn’t make space you just get killed. The ult by itself is just a free headshot kill. Doom became a lot worse after the nerfs. Still cant beat half the roster. Blizzard like usual instead of fixing the hero’s makes them utter garbage.

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Wtf? You don’t even play these characters. You have no room to say what they are or need.

No, devs specifically said Ana was made as a skill support to attract dps players.

She had high healing because she was the first support that requires constant aiming to heal, not because “you could pick 5 dps to do a lot of damage.” Blizzard and everyone already knew that was a possible comp.

As I said that was the release state of the game. Picking 5 dps is not a “powercreep” comp because it is significantly weaker than a balanced comp. 5 dps was not a balance issue when 2/2/2 can easily beat it, even with Zen/Lucio, which was actually the go-to support duo before healing creep.

If that were true, supports wouldn’t have been crying for a counter to flanker. Ana can barely handle one flanker, but this has nothing to do with powercreep. She was never good in the scenario you described - vs multiple dps, fend off 1 or 2 flanker and still heal the team. She wasn’t even used that much when she was released, and when she was, it was when the meta moved from 2/2/2 to triple tank.

Doom was busted on PTR and heavily nerfed before he was released to live, and he was practically DOA after the initial pick rate spike (the new hero honeymoon phase). A month after release, his pick rates dropped across all ranks.

He didn’t force anything. He wasn’t part of the equation. People were whining about Tracer and Genji, not Doom. Doom was a joke for a long long time after release, much like Sombra.

Yet after team comp is locked to a maximum of two dps, people still complain about powercreep. What? Can 2 dps today do more damage than 5 dps in the past? Of course not. If you think there’s damage creep, dps heroes are not responsible for it.