Doomfist and Genji are perfectly fine

why do people who have 0 time on the heroes they complain about have strong opinions on them without experiencing them for themselves?


I don’t see how this has to do with anything…

I mean, if you consider .5% pickrate to be better than 1%, then idk what to say to you.

Average spot… If you consider a .88% pickrate (.04% below Sym just) to be average and fine, then once again, I am unsure what to say to you

No one thinks this, or at least the majority doesn’. This is simply a strawman argument. The issue is that his kit is not rewarding.


This is just a lie. None of us ever complained or asked for buffs when he was overpowered.

a lot of ults are like that.


He’s been attacking anyone across multiple threads if he feels they aren’t “skilled” enough.

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Sir, I’m over here, talking into a mirror isn’t a good thing.

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Do I know anyone else that does this?

After he called me silver, I’m not allowed to do the same thing back to him?

Yikes, get over yourself man.


Not if you’re going to keep complaining about people doing it, lol.

“He-he started it :(((”

Didn’t complain, just pointed out it’s what Pooch is known for.

But if that’s the narrative you want to follow it, so be it, but blindly following false logic does not work out well.

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It’s what you are known for. The above example is not isolated at all.

and you’re also known for muting people when you can’t explain how nothing you say aligns with any concrete stats.

Yet, no one has any clue who you are, so this is pretty isolated.

Try again, only person I’ve muted was JasonBent and it’s because he’s a known cry baby.

“Bronze take is bronze.”
Who brought up rank first? You are all about projection.

“Ana was made to deal with powercreep”
No one needs to know your rank to know how stupid take this is.

And then you went from “powercreep” to crying about flankers diving.

Can’t help you think Ana is the only cause of any creep in this game, and it’s a bad take.

Can’t help supports had to be able to defend themselves from over tuned flankers, so Moira and Brig were created.

Don’t hate on me, because the game isn’t what you want it to be.

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You can’t help giving bad take with zero logic.

I never said Ana was the only cause of powercreep. I merely pointed out how stupid your take is. “Ana was made to deal with powercreep.”

And you couldn’t back up your statement with any fact or data whatsoever, then went on to crying about flankers which is an entirely different issue from powercreep.

You’re a joke. Your knowledge is lacking and you frequently use rank shame as part of your argument. I never minded that you are a silver ranked player. Many low rank players have decent understanding of the game. You don’t.

Says the guy who nonstop attacks anyone with a notion different than yours. It’s all over your post history, and sure I mess with people, but you do it in an actual trolling way of “I’m better than you and I know it, so here’s what I think because I think you’re dumb.”

You’re a known wanna be troll who fails at trolling anyone, then screams and tantrums at the person for not taking your bait.

Sorry that damage has been buffed to the moon while most supports have only seen nerfs. When you can use your “facts” to debate that, do come back, but you don’t have anything that I’ve seen substantial in anything you’ve ever posted on this forum.

When your confidence returns, do try again, but please have some humility.

Do not bother trying to rebuttle this, it’s way too obvious through your post history what you are, nor will I give you any more attention you crave.

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I didn’t attack you for your bad take. I just laughed.

And then you started rank shame.

After I let you have your fill, I asked you to explain yourself.

But you didn’t. You moved on to crying about 4 flankers diving.

Even then, I still give you a response without insulting you. Asking you to further explain how 4 flankers diving Ana has to do with powercreep and how Ana was made to address it.

Then you got nothing.

It’s easier to complain than it is to take 50-100+ hours and learn a character and experience the game in their shoes.

Actually, I’ve been reading through both threads, and you actually called him bronze first.

If you’re going to pull the “Well he started it!” card, at least get your facts straight.

Look at other posts from him, he has a profile with 37 mins in competitive, no data in qp, but talks down to everyone like he’s a t500. Of course I’m going to try and get to find what rank he actually is.

But still, look through his other posts, he nonstop talks down to everyone rank wise.


You nonstop talk down to anyone and everyone as though you’re OWL level, so don’t go pretending like you’re morally superior.

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