Don't touch these heroes

It never bothered you that Brig had to be that strong to put an end to tracers reign?

The entire Brig problem was caused by Tracer. Soul my blistering blue barnacles.

No. I suppose it wouldn’t bother you.

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No it was the best time of overwatch, most players incredible fun games.

Such gibberish. I for one did not buy OW due to tracer. I hate seeing her in client and ingame.

No Blizzard release her op like usual. She was to deal with pesky flankers and dive hero. In paper she sounds find. She did not need a 600 hp shield, a instant healing with her repair pack, a ult that doesn’t expire, a 5 sec stun and that goes to shield.

One, many bought cause of the hero, every hero has haters, hate means they are that popular, bes more salty.

Lol. Keep thinking that for your self.

Your are delusion if i think people brought the game for tracer. I never once seen or heard that. Most often it was the lore and the casual aspect of the game.

Do you even know what salty even mean. Yeah keep throwing the words like u know what it means.

She is the reason she was the poster girl, she was the most popular.She was the one who hogged limelight in news articles.

The day Tracer gets a significant nerf that isn’t about loosening her projectile spread…is the day 70% of the community finally gets to breathe for a second.

need a buff in lower elo, but a nerf in higher elo. Though I rather like the idea that when this hero is meta, every other heroes in 99% of the other ranks are viable.
The other option is to buff off-meta heroes rather than nerf tracer.

Dps boost need a rework, in exchange, revert her ow2 s1 movement, or maybe add even faster pistol switch, idk, but dps boost needs rework.

I don’t think he needs a change, considering a “spammable” one shot is actually not common the higher you climb. People won’t admit it, but the Hanzo actually aim.
However, IF one must change him, I say a reverse falloff dps. Aka, lower dps at close range, same dps at long range, this will make him more diveable by flankers/dive tanks.

Discord, same problem as dps boost, need rework.

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I love how you gave a reason to not touch every hero.

Besides mercy.

Nor arguments or too lazy ? XD

Because dva is not allowed to have nice things :smiling_face_with_tear:


She is hitscan, atleast know about tracer before you hate.

Literally all of these heroes need reworked

None of them require rework.

They are pillar stones on which overwatch was built.

I really don’t care and I don’t hate the character itself, I just don’t like the playstyle she has.

So…Tracer because high potential of solo wrecking teams.

Mercy because busted healer.

Hanzo because he’s the msot consistent one shot.

Zen because it enables a support player to one shot and bully tanks, thus leading to a team’s demise easily by LOS only.

Bro…I see so many issues with the way you play and I’m a tank player who loves it when their supports have plans…but jesus christ almighty…you cannot be sitting here praising all these crutches like its a trendy lifestyle.

Lucio is probably the only hero that shouldn’t be touched unless it’s a buff to boop honestly