Don't rework / revert Mercy

Wow…I’m not sure if this thread is a joke or not


As wrong as you are about Symmetra, you are actually right about Mercy. Current Mercy is fun and balanced.

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Hardly. She’s no longer a main healer, and has been relegated to side healer status. Yet she does not have the utility or fight potential to fulfill that role of side healer.

She’s an insufficient main and side healer. She’s hardly balanced at all.

This is a joke, right?

No. It will be for the better.

Worst for the game, actually.


For now. They should revisit the issue in 6-12 months time.

She was fun before when her rez was tied to ult and it was just her hero moment.

she needed balancing of her old form not a rework.


That’s a funny joke.


I agree that for now, they should just leave her, because this is the closest she’s been in months to the “balanced” state.

But calling her fun? Hell no :confused: She’s pretty much the dullest character in the cast so far.

She was fun back when the game was in the iteration. You cant know if shed still feel impactful and fun. And even so both people playing her and playing against her need to be taken into consideration, and theirs just as many people who dont want rez, as there is who enjoyed rez. There is definitely middle grounds where everyones happy.

We would get Mercy that is a main healer again

That would be pretty nice. Too bad we can’t have nice things

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I don’t find anything humorous in my statement unfortunately. But you are free to perceive it however you want.

I don’t advocate for mass Rez to return in any form, but do advocate for either: 60 hps normally, 70 hps and a faster Rez during valk or a revert with valk as an ult but Rez works on charge similar to torbs old armour pack, it could be rewarded every x healing (I’d say 1500) or x damage boost (my damage boost stats aren’t that accurate as I get 500+ on current Mercy but 15k + heals so I feel I heal way more than I damage boost idk) and this would be instant or close to (0.25 or 0.5 seconds) with 70 hps on valk. This way Rez is rewarded, not given. Just my 2 cents.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Who is this ‘we’? And what gives you the right to decide for other people how to deal with changes they don’t like?

For the first point I would argue that if a fan base is so passionate they still want a change undone a year and few months later that the company making the game should adapt, rather than the players.

For the second mass rez Mercy was always a troll pick in Diamond and above. And the people in lower ranks aren’t any more likely to deal with it now than before. It was always easy to stop. Now just as before the lower rank players would just either choose not to deal with it or not realize how easy it would be.

It’s not that people can’t deal with Mass rez, it’s that they won’t.

In terms of possibilities yes but, from my point of view I want new abilities in new heroes. What she was was pretty ideal. Not perfect but it kept me playing overwatch a lot.

That and a revert/with adjustments might bring back the people who were turned away by Activision Blizzard’s inability to deal with any and all criticism. The reworks have been mostly hugely, hugely unpopular so it would be healthy for Overwatch as a whole for Blizzard to show they are willing to fix their mistakes.
It’s ok to make mistakes but as you say, it’s been a year. Bliz has no excuse for keeping Valk in the game. It knows how unpopular it is. It’s been plenty of time to see the player base’s reaction.

Mercy may indeed work with other abilities - but I don’t see either a rework or revert happening. People keep leaving the game over the reworks and it’s very concerning seeing just how many are going. It’s a problem that needs to be addressed if OW doesn’t want to keep visibly bleeding active players.

I don’t expect OW to die any time soon, but I don’t want it to happen regardless. Before the Mercy rework I’d have scoffed at the thought of it dying. Now… with all the forum posts, youtube videos and discussions with people I know in real life…

it’s pretty hard not to be worried about OW’s future.


I really dont know why you went on to talk about how it was weak in diamond and above and its peoples fault about how they deal with rez when i never said it was strong/meta or even indicated. Its like you responded to the wrong person…

I apologize if I was not clear, my comment was referring to the fact that in terms of impact, against a team that knew what they were doing it was already unimpactful. And the reasons why are as true now as they were before. So I do not think the current environment would make it unimpactful any more so than before.

But most of you haven’t moved on.

I think i should apologise, I believe what i said has been taken wrong, probably because i worded it wrong. I wasnt saying it was impactful stat wise but it “felt” impactful which valk doesnt.

I think it would feel less impactful as back then mercy was the only main healer excluding the destroyed ana and before her, she was the only one. But now after moira and Brig who both feel really fun to play and can play much more solo than mercy, I think people will realise rez wasnt as impactful feelings as they remembered

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Wondered in which echelon OP was enjoying Mercy’s gameplay, found her fun, balanced and her current state best for the game… but the info is not available, oh, well, I genuinely wanted it to surprise me.

I guess so. If it does turn out that way that could be a good thing. People who like Mass rez can still use it but with people more spread among the other healers there will be more variety in healers than what was there when mass rez existed.

I’d certainly like to find out what would happen anyway

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