Don't nerf Ana, this isn't the answer

Im down for more counters. Personally i feel like other supports like brig, mercy and baptiste could use a cleanse ability or something, all we have is a zarya bubble to cleanse

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50% isnā€™t much of a death sentence compared to absolutely 0%. i.e. it makes a lot of healers still be able to achieve base hps when they use cds,

  • like bap with burst + nade heal pocketting achieves 70hps
  • moira achieves 67.5hps with primary + orb
  • lucio achieve 26hps with amp
  • brig achieves 35hps with inspire + pack

there are other avenues instead of simply nerfing the % of anti-heal or the duration of the debuff.

e.g. having some of the lower hps healers able to give a ā€œreduce damage taken by x%ā€ buff to allies on one of their abilities, granting temporary shields/armour, abilities to move allies into cover, etc. on more of the supports.

uuuuh discord can be countered via healing unless they got like insta-obliterated due to the discord boost. and speedboost on enemies isnā€™t inherently swinging one way or another anyways in terms of whether your allies live or die anyways. not to mention whether they can actually claim whatever area they move to (or even whether if they can move to it in the first place) is determined by whether if it is safe to do so i.e. can have enough healing to outsustain a speedboost push or simply even just contribute damage to prevent such a push.

such cannot be said about anti.

it has been a large problem for a long time and people just keep sweeping it under the rug of ā€œbUt sKIlLā€. legit ana has been the dominant support for a long time now. legit when the team doesnā€™t go goats (which is impossible now anyways), thereā€™s no reason to not run ana. with how long sheā€™s been in the throne, even the people slow on the uptake or are stubborn are finding it harder and harder to deny that fact when anaā€™s has a really high pickrate from low ranks to high for longer and longer.

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Itā€™s the answer for every hero in the game but Ana and Reinhardt it feels like

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Sometime buffing others is a better plan. Just look at the state of Orisa, also she wasnt OP her synergy with double shield was.

Would be nice but you know the ā€˜muh skillā€™ crowd would just complain and Blizz wants to make CoD: Overwatch

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Iā€™am really surprised thoses Ana main really forget or ā€œselect memoryā€ for nano blades farming 2 months ago.

Ana is just a hero people like, and shes a mustpick when hog ā€œmetaā€ starts

she was already at 12% pickrate before the hog meta thoughā€¦

I like her too but compared to her competition in Baptiste, Moira, and Mercy Ana stands heads and shoulders above them.

I agree just buff other supps

But then DPS players start crying about heal creep and not being able to kill things when theyā€™re in a 2v1 and about how Baptiste/moira/mercy take no skill or are cancer etc. etc. etc.

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true KEKW I remenber at the start of the game where not being able to kill throught healing was seen as normal and it was seen as normal to have to focus fire the person being healed or kill healers first , now its all about 1 dps killing throught 2 healers , how fun

This is why she must dieā€¦

the amt of genji clips ā€˜provingā€™ his ā€˜uselessnessā€™ by attacking a team 1v3 (or 2v3 if you included nano as 2) where the enemy team popped every single cooldown on him and ultsā€¦and they thought genji was uselessā€¦

even if he got a kill thru all that.

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ML7 statistic Twitch

First game:
first round Numbani attack:
No fat team wiping nade, no offensive nade which decided the team fight
Mostly used defensively

second round:
Same here and switched late (last 2-3 minutes) from ā€œOP Anaā€ to ā€œlow skill Mercyā€

3rd round:
Same here. not teamwiping nade neither
Switched to lucio right before the timer started to run out for first point
After taking first point, switches from Lucio to Mercy
After taking second point switches from Mercy to Bap

4th round:
Starts with Ana no huge team wiping Anti nade again

Iā€™m sure we see a similar picture if we watch more games of ML7
Anti nade is not the constant teamwiping ability, not even close
If you want to disprove me: Find 5 games from this session in which fat nades are the norm


Ana was the top healer with the lapses of brig and mercy for long time. It was not cause of the aim, the skill , healing or damage, was her utility. That was rarely touched. Maybe is time to realize that a nade, that requires little skill (lets be honest ana needs aim her nade doesnt) that causes damage/prevents healing and heals your teammates does too much at the same time.
And yes I played Ana as well as Im a flex player but the excuseā€¦she needs skill cannot be an excuse to not realize that her nade is a bit overturned.

People tend to forget that nearly every healer has been nerfed aside from Ana, making her appear more ā€œOPā€ than others

Of course shes gonna appear strong if the other healers got gutted smh

When Ana was released she caused the tank meta cause of the nade, the shields, the raise of doomfist and brig release and mercy op state after her rework made a pause. I was a mercy main, didnt want the rework and realized that brig and mercy rework were a bit overturned, to say at least. Ana state was excused by ā€œskillā€ but was there for years untouched. I played Ana as well. It doesnt have to be the main of anyone, just be honest and realize that the nade utility did too much and hardly was touched. It is not that the rest of the supports needs to be buffedā€¦same as powercreep happened when dps were buffed, then the dps countering another oneā€¦till the point we are now.

As powercreep seems like ā€œpartiallyā€ even wrongfully, but at least taken into account, maybe is time to check nade.

Iā€™m just not understanding how Ana could be the second worst support in the game but still be the only playable one

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If you go back through the changes, youā€™ll see the amount of buffs and nerfs are about equal. However, her nerfs havenā€™t been anything drastic for the most part.

Right? Iā€™m not saying that Nade shouldnā€™t be looked at but ā€¦

How are Supports and Tanks supposed to make impactful plays in matches now?
Support became (mediocre) healbots and Tanksā€¦well Tanks are just thereā€¦

Letā€™s seeā€¦Supports players definitely donā€™t want supports to be guttedā€¦
Tank players just want their back healedā€¦

I wonder who wants everything thatā€™s not a Damage hero nerfedā€¦
Man DPS are the majority of the playerbase and they ruined this game big timesā€¦and of course Blizzard that wasnā€™t capable to balance its game is guilty too.

And before you point the fingersā€¦i like all 3 roles. But man, i noticed that when DPS players find something itā€™s too hard to kill, heals too much, kills them ā€œtoo muchā€ or can fight back too much they complain and said hero gets nerfed soon after.