Don't nerf Ana, this isn't the answer

Wow 1 whole second to sleep in which most enemies never lasted the full 6 seconds anyway. And 5hps…still leaving it at 70 while also still having all her other useful game changing abilities. Not even to mention her ultimate.


how you didn’t attribute this description to ana is beyond me tbh.

like ana doesn’t have any tank that doesn’t synergise with her. she’s got decent dps capability, she’s got utility that can also help self peel (not saying it’s the best but it’s not completely trash) and high heals. And to top it off, she’s got an ability that practically hard counters most of the support roster (her competition) on a nade i.e. the broken input to output ratio.


Ana shouldn’t get a nerf just because barrier tanks aren’t being played right now. There’s no way the meta of the game will always remain Hog/Zarya. Asking for more nerfs is just shortsighted.

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She’s been meta for 2 years, in every single meta that we have had for the past 2 years and only slightly fell out of the meta when bap was in his prime but that was for 2 months. The favoritism given to Ana is appallin, especially since as soon as any other healer starts to rise in pick rate, they get gutted but Ana remains the same because…”muh skill”


The big difference: Anas self sustain is nearly non existent.

People universally agree that Moiras input to output ratio is broken
Bap was still strong in Bunker comp and had too much self sustain in comparison to his huge healing output (similar problem had Moira)

The forum on the one side cries “nothing dies” on the other side when someone gets nerfed “this is not what I meant”
So what do you want?

If we take a look in the past Bap and Moira both provided GOATS like hypersustain (see Bunker and DB). The killed “attrition war” and got nerfed.
Like Ana, when she enabled triple/quad tank

Ana is easy punished if she makes a mistake, the problem is if there is already a heavy sustain meta, it’s hard to punish her because her weakness gets compensated.
That’s why it’s a good thing that they turn overall sustain down, this will weaken Ana

I mean on her own she’s been insanely strong for a long time. The only reason she didn’t completely take over the support role sooner was because she did horribly into the meta around her. Now that barriers are gone its finally been revealed just how strong she’s been all this time.

I think nerfing her is justified if they also buff the weaker supports like Baptiste and even Brig (but they always need to be cautious with Brig). Hell, she isn’t even the “only” support doing well as you say. Mercy is making a comeback for the first time since moth meta, and both Zen and Lucio are still kicking it (so basically the OG supports minus Symmetra are all good).

She hasn’t. Both Moira, Bap and Brig have had their time in the spotlight in the past two years.

The problem with Ana results from those of you who hate “muh skill” and want all the dive characters to stay in the dumpster. The same dive characters who obliterate Ana and cause her not to be a viable option. All you Brig and simple support fans are the originator of Ana in your games.

Bingo. Ana is so vulnerable it’s not funny. The metas have revolved around her being in comps that will offer her protection or have her needed for offensive anti-nade potential. She should not be nerfed because of people around her.



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No she has not. When brig was meta she was behind Ana for the most part and when she surpassed her, Ana was behind her. As for bap, Ana was in the top 3 and wasn’t top 2 by a very close margin. Moira has barely been meta and the one time she was, guess what? Ana was right behind her


You have 3 main supports:

Ladder usually runs at least one main support, so who do you pick?

How about fixing the other main supports (which the devs currently are doing) instead of trashing the only good main support left?

I blame for this for her thicc cannons and a user whose great idea is to never ever (ever) cancel boost and boop the sleeping guy. Usually 2 seconds into sleep.

I wonder why we don’t witch hunt Lucio who defined 3/4 off all metas and has an ability which can’t be countered, speed boost :thinking:

think because they got him already. Nerfed his speedboost the last time he was meta

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Could be, the nerfs got partially rolled back

Speed Boost does have counters: Mei and Symmetra.

Guess which characters are absolutely garbage: Mei and Symmetra.

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It doesn’t really counter speedbost, in fact Sym turrets get countered by speedboost

It’s still a slow, whether or not it’s good is of debate, but they’re still functionally a counter.

what I, and many other people, want is very simple tbh:

anti-heal debuff to have counterplay from the rest of the supports.

I don’t mean self-cleanse, nor do I mean having 1 single new hero with the ability to counter it (this would turn the monopoly to a duopoly, not solving the problem). I’m talking about an inherent counterplay against anti applied onto an ally.

none of what you said about ana addresses the core problem of how ana is simply inherently higher in the support balance hierarchy.

I reiterate: ana is a main healer that has an ability (that isn’t hard to land nor is it really unavailable) that practically hard counters her support competition, while also being able to decently fit well with any tank combo in 2-2-2.

the former bolded bit being the crux of the issue.

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What do you want?
Remove anti heal entirely? Because reducing to 50% would be still a death sentence and if you lower it till it’s meaningless than you can completely remove antiheal

Discord, Anti and Speedboost have no real counterplay in this game and have been the meta trifecta till DB und bunker.

Anti nade wasn’t and isn’t really a problem at mid and lower ranks, at higher tier of plays, people don’t seem to complain about it

Can’t talk to someone who lives in a fantasy world. All of the characters have had their time in the meta. Meta is MOST EFFECTIVE TACTIC, if Ana was behind these characters then she was not meta. Saying Ana has been meta for 2 years is just a flat out lie.

Stop using words you don’t understand the meaning of.

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