Dont listen to genji players

How is it not a strong ability?

You get a 250% movement speed increase, You get immortality and it is on a 6 second cooldown?

It is a really good ability for a game like Overwatch, and lets include it as a Get out of jail free card from all forms of ultimate CC other than Reins Shatter but if timed right can be avoided.

Tell that to Junk’s trap, all you can do is fade in place and die right after, once again, know what you’re talking about.

You can also not stand on it :man_shrugging:

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Strong defense there Toast, glad you chimed in with barely anything relevant.

You can also fade over the top of it. You seem upset Curaga. Everything ok?


They listened to us Genji players. suck it lol.


Looks like Blizzard actually listened the salty and toxic players

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I mean, DPS is the most vocal and populated role, of course they listen, it’s a major reason why supports are god awful now outside of Ana and Bapt.

You’re so ignorant to your own belief it is astonishing. Nothing can change your mind.

Let’s list somethings Moira fade can do and what deflect can do.

Moira Fade:

  • Immortality
  • Can break out of most forms of CC and can avoid all of it. I.E Break out Graviton Surge and Gravitic Flux, it can break out of Halt, can’t be hooked while in fade, can’t be shield bashed in fade, can’t be rocked while in fade
  • Is on a low cooldown
  • Gives a 250% movement speed increase which is a guaranteed get away.

Genji Deflect:

  • Can deflect most hitscan and projectile damage in the game.
  • Can deflect a handful of ultimates.
  • Is on a 8 second cooldown. (Long cooldown.)
  • Last 2 seconds.
  • Can be cancelled at anytime.

If Genji deflects, you have the option of not shooting him ya’know?


Umm? Support is an extremely powerful role. Half of them do more damage than dps characters. The amount of healing they do counteracts 3/4 of the dps rosters dmg.