Don't hate on open queue, it could save the game

Nah dont miss those 5 DPS 1tank/healer games at all. Who the hell wants to play tank or healer with 5 dps? it used to happen every game and the toxicity was shocking

Noooooo it wasnt the worst thing to happen to the game. I feel the reason why they implemented that was because the whiney baby DPS players kept complaining about wait times. Being able to run 4+ dps in a game just solves the problem of dps wait times where before you only had 2 per team.

no way. 2 2 2 is the best thing to every happen to Overwatch.

I’d say after 40+ games in gold/low plat across three accounts…

I’ve seen about 85% 222. Some times 132 on attack. Sometimes 123 even. I haven’t seen any of these 5 dps games.

I grab dps most of the time, but i will tank if needed, which is maybe 25% of the games.

Sometimes my support partner has to chose dps or tank because we already have 2 support.

Hmm, Not sure what to make of the idea that i’m just not seeing what others are seeing in Open Queue. Kinda sad that it hasn’t been as good for everyone else!

Bold statement you got any proof?

Of course:

  1. In one of the latest Developer Updates a couple of months ago Jeff Kaplan himself said that 2/2/2 role - queue was overall a “positive” change.
  2. Here are some official developer quotes that were released when 2/2/2 role - lock was first introduced:

And even more importantly, here’s the point where the overall very positive opinion of the majority of the game’s player base is touched upon:

  1. I have to admit this isn’t such a trustworthy source, but just the fact that the grand majority of the unofficial polls created in social places as historically negative for some reason as these Forums have surprisingly shown 2/2/2 role - lock to be a clear winner amongst fans, with the different concensus sometimes even touching 3:1 in favor of the system really says a lot

What, how I missed that?? When? Where?

Maybe I played that lol, cant remember

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No one is forcing you.
You free to play whatever you want.

Do you think Sym one-trick players care what others will say? Thats the beauty of original comp.

Hmm cant say now, few season back, somewhere before role q beta. I have nice top373 icon from it haha.

it is saving the game, if there were no quick play classic i would quit the game at the first day the role queue came out

And we’d be better for it. You’re definitely the type to auto lock DPS, never switch and tilt your teammates into flexing around you…

3dps disrupt with hammond/sombra/pharah e.g. perfected by Chengdu was starting to expose weaknesses in GOATS on any open map. GOATS was never a role problem it was a game-mode issue (and by proxy, a bad dev hiring problem). Too much emphasis on all-in team brawl/sustain with ults to win the 1% of the map that matters (i.e. objective).

Why would you say definitely? That is entirely subjective. So many people outright left the game and found 222 to be a fundamental travesty. There is so much toxicity in not resetting a garbage ladder when ppl only care about 1 role (dps or sup) and throw the living Christ out of tank for a lootbox. 222 ruined just about everything you can imagine about ladder integrity lol.

Open queue is the way you save Overwatch.

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The problem with GOATS counters was that they were only viable in OWL. Ladder simply wasn’t able to coordinate enough, even in higher ranks, to consistently out-play GOATS. Of course actual pro teams could handle it, they designed strategies entirely around trying to beat NYXL’s GOATS comp because they just couldn’t contest it in a mirror match.

It’s both. The roles weren’t balanced. Tanks and supports were significantly more powerful than DPS, but no one wanted to play them. Powercreep for healing and sustain in general had made 3-3 (and historically 4-2 and 3-1-2) comps incredibly strong, as well as any comp which featured heroes that could fit in multiple roles (i.e. Mei and Brig).

The issue was that if tanks or supports were to receive nerfs, they would be left unplayed, and any changes made would need to be major - as we saw with constant Brig nerfs which made almost no change, and then nearly all of the supports getting notable nerfs. It didn’t change anything because it wasn’t enough, it only made those heroes less effective in non-GOATS comps.

The only way to make the changes needed was to add restrictions, otherwise there would need to be major changes made to most of the roster.

Making tanks too strong means that they’re going to be unstoppable if played right, but making them too weak means that no one in the ladder is going to bother with them. If supports become too strong, then GOATS and other 3-3 comps get even stronger, but if they’re made weaker, then 3-3 is even more needed because now you need more healers to output the same amount of healing, and it left the entire game unbalanced.

and your’e probably that type of player that plays tryhard all the time even in custom games and screams on his teamates for every little mistake they make, in comps i always switch if people tell me to

Open Queue was killing overwatch, thats why it was replaced. I dont understand why people want it back when majority of player base didnt like it. Yes role q is not perfect. But going back to bad(even worse) game mode is not good decision at all. If anything we can have completely different system.

Going back to open queue would be like going back to ex girlfriend, yes you can have good times with her but main reason why you separated will start to be major issue again very soon.


Because role q makes the game harder and more competitive the other version of the game was pick healer or main tank and win.


Hm thats interesting, i wasnt thinking about it that way. Might be reason why so many people dropped. Because people werent used to take comp that seriously and a could get away with things which are not possible anymore. I feel like role q is a lot more about team play too.

The amount of players in open queue is actually over 10%. Jeff put out a chart about this. It depends on region and console. It’s actually 12% on XBL which I play on. NA is the only region under 10%.

Might be onto something there, even clearly shown in this thread:


I made posts in favour of the concept of role queue, just as I did for hero bans. Both have been implemented badly though as they are designed around OWL and not around fun.

Role queue needed reworks to make more range in tanks and healers - move some DPS to tank (ie Mei, Reaper, Bastion, Doom, etc) and some to “support” (like Torb, Sym, Sombra, etc) to even out the roles. Right now in role queue tank is stagnant and healers are throwing if they don’t play to the dps requests.

(Hero bans need to be 1/2/1 random per match to make it fun, otherwise don’t bother with bans and balance meta through buffs/nerfs as Jeff preferred)

Playing open queue since it went up and haven’t touched normal comp since. So much more fluid and dynamic. Swapping to counters matters more, and strategy matters more.

Would like to see statistics on it after another week, pretty sure its above 10% now.

Exactly they reduced the carry potential of dps dramatically by having two tanks and two healers. Now it is a team game where generally the more coordinated team will win.

I could instalock soldier and as long as the other team didn’t actually have two tanks or did have a main tank or only one healer I could just use visor for easy kills on smaller health targets.

Now it’s just sigma shield in the face or some shield my direction and then they play into cover. When there are two tanks going around clicking heads isn’t nearly as easy especially when there are two healers keeping up said two tanks. While said two tanks protect healers.

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