Dont change balance to "fix queue times"

That would require a trade-off rather than a raw sustain nerf.
Ana’s going to have to shoot more darts in Rein’s butt with less healing.

because the support roster is genuinely powercrept lmfao

brigittes existence, ana having an extended mag, ana having burst healing with nano boost, lucio getting beats HP upped to 1000, and wow look at that, those are the 3 best supports in the game right now

just lower the mag size back to 10 for ana, and either remove the burst healing or damage mitigation from nano

Can you prove to me how Brig is a problem right now? Using actual evidence? Cuz all I see is Ana sitting as the queen, Lucio enjoying being her off support synergy and everybody else fighting for some niche that never accomplishes anything. Ana is the only support that is still not miserable to play due to reworks (Mercy Brig) and nerfs(baptiste) or being powercrept out of viability by dps (zen)

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since you love using overbuff in all of its uselessness, here ya go! better winrate than ana and lucio too, third most picked support (because shes the least fun to play)

In all fairness, so are the dps.
Granted, they started reeling back on dps powercreep already. (See Hanzo, Doomfist and Reaper)
But there’s still powercreep. Look no further than McCree, Tracer, Echo or even Genji.

Make changes that make it so 90% of the time it’s not “Reinhardt or Lose” in the Tank Queue.

✅ Buff Barriers, counter at close range

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tracer got a really minor buff and a partial revert to pulse, McCree definitely got powercrept, but he cant be nerfed unless supports do as well, echoes existence is powercreep so idek what to do about that she isn’t really on my radar, and genji got nerfed so hard before brig came out idek if that can be considered powercreep


You’re talking about how they fix queue times.

From my perspective, the only way to improve that is to get more people into the Tank Queue.

I just want to point out again that soldier 76 is considered a weak dps despite being several buffs stronger than his meta iteration from earlier seasons. The healing on the other hand has been consistently dialed down for everybody except Ana. Mercy, Baptiste and Moira all lost their hps and have gained increased cds. Zen meanwhile has been powercrept out of existence because nobody cares about his 30hps single target orb in a world where burst damage rules and requires a constant babysitter, not to mention his ult can be burst through dps. Sustain has been taking the Ls for several seasons now.

Dps had to be powercrept to keep up with the powercrept supports.
Moira and Brig just about shut down every flanker in the game, and as it turns out, snipers were the only real answer to the sheer amount of sustain in the game. Which got nerfed as well because they were deemed annoying.
So then we ended up with the tankiest dps being meta to benefit from that extra sustain and contribute a level of area denial through cc or close range burst damage (Mei, Doomfist and Reaper) Which were deemed frustrating to deal with as well.
Like, what dps should actually be allowed to be impactful?

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A bold statement to make in a world where double sniper became meta after dive. Both metas were using the sustain of Mercy and Zen who have ngligible single target sustain and then Brig just subbed Hog in the quad tank composition so that some comp was finally able to live through Widow and reworked Hanzo damage. The sniper damage preceded the sustain arms race, not the other way around.

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Double sniper only was meta thanks to gravdragons being broken lol
Which they fixed later on.

The team that created the GOATs literally went on record saying that they didn’t have a good enough sniper player to duel enemy widowmaker so they had to come up with this comp to sustain through her damage.

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that’s not what it was used for after that event, and either way before goats was slambulance (very short lived meta) and that’s where the idea of goats came from, just insane sustain on a few high health pool targets

I think Overwatch is in this awkward stage where most dps are probably underpowered but buffing them is just going to make queue times worse. It’s unfortunate that the strongest roles have always happened to be the least popular ones.

they don’t even need to get buffed, its literally just how grossly powercrept the support roster is and has to get dialed back

In other words, “gimmeh da pew-pew-pew queues.” Gotcha :wink:

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I mean, that would solve the queue times. That said… Blizzard has literally been doing the opposite. Many of the changes since RoleQ dropped have catered to DPS super hard (drastically reducing healing and barriers while not really reducing damage too much… more so peripheral abilities on DPS). Making changes to cater to the DPS experience over Tanks and Supports definitely isn’t going to help queue times.

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More players won’t help because the role distribution won’t change regardless of balance. In every game ever that has tank/damage/support roles, damage players always heavily outnumber the others. Even if there were a billion players, DPS queue times would still be really long.

Its 20% Tank, 30% Support, 50% DPS. Its not that bad in reality in OW.

DPS is the easiest, flashiest role so people gravitate towards it.