Don't buff mercy

When was this a thing? I can recall a few distinct things with Mercy players when they were more prominent in Mercy discussion and that was there being Mercy threads and discussions and then people would make threads refuting them in unkind, rude ways for the sake of making argument.

They did do a raid which is something we’ve never seen and I personally appreciate a good protest but, it wasn’t the move to make. Yes, they did disrupt the site but they didn’t run a foul of anyone. It was more like spam.

This was a couple years ago immediately following the rework, on the old forums in fact. The forums were being spammed by so many mercy threads they had to start dumping them into megathreads. It was pretty bad.

As a continued Mercy main, I agree with most of your post, except this. Mercy is still an amazing hero and back in 2016, most players didn’t know how to use Mercy properly. Players never damage boosted because they desperately wanted to keep targets alive because their ult was such a high priority ult that they didn’t want to accidentally let somebody die and force ult at an unnecessary time.

When Mercy’s rework came, I saw myself intentionally letting half my team die to damage boost because I could. Just pop Valk, they’re back, and keep damage boosting. Mass Res was different. It was to help counter ult combos. Valk wasn’t.

To this day, I will still prioritizing damage boosting a target until they die (if I can’t out-heal it) or heal them if the res will be too dangerous. This is because I can do that. I’m blowing a CD on a single target to help them secure kills at risk of their own death because if they die, it doesn’t matter. I can bring them back with a standard CD instead of wasting a high risk/high reward ultimate on a target I probably could’ve saved. Not to mention, I can have a team-wide AoE ult now, which makes Mercy that much more reliable than before.

It wasn’t that she was super easy or players were bad with her, it was that damage boosting was too risky a lot of times if you didn’t want/need to use your ult that fight. Mercy 2.0 changed that.

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I still would prefer if they nerfed her kit in some way so they could buff her to heal at 60hp/s and be able to heal tanks

He was king of the supports during the GOATS era. He has around 11% pickrate in GM for a good 3 months

Really? Oh…never mind then lol

If anything it’s Baptiste who needs to be king of the supports :wink:

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Looooove Baptiste haha He is good! I think if people start to learn to utilize him properly, he will! :smile:

Don’t worry.

They just got done balancing her so even if she has several design flaws in that resurrecting dead heroes is not a core part of her gameplay and contradicting elements to her kit, they cannot afford to ruin that by touching her in any way.

Couple that with her polarity among the community and I can assure you that they are happy that shes in a spot where 2 of their pillars at least agree, that being the statistics and developer opinion.

With that, unless something drastic happens, I can almost guarantee she will be like Tracer for the long-run, in that she wont receive any major changes (even a 5 hps increase is major since it also affects her ultimate charge) for a while and when she does it will be a nerf.


I can guarantee you, guarantee you, that they will not buff Mercy.

He was actually up in the 12-13% pick rate at one point, which is about 85% in-game pick rate. He is still outbeating Mercy’s pick rate in a bunker meta (which is hilarious because he is awful in bunker), so I wouldn’t feel too bad.

Bap is depressingly low for one of his most optimal metas. Now him I feel bad for.

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i think mercy’s ultimate needs healing burst ability like baptiste had and they should revert her healing to 60 again

Just to add however that the raid was performed by a minority of unsatisfied Mercy players, not the majority of those unsatisfied. Also the raid was probably done more as a response to the megathreads appearing more and more to eventually be a method of damage control or sectioning off feedback about Mercy. Unfortunately there was virtually no actual engagement with the submitted feedback from anyone on the team.


I know of no valid data to suppott such a claim

If thats how one chooses to use Valkyrie, I can understand being unhappy with it, but thats not a Valkyrie problem

They weren’t ignored


Tell me, what is it that make Valk exciting for you. Do you feel it has impact on the game and you can control the situation. It doesn’t provide the protection a sound barrier or transcendence, it doesn’t signal ‘go’ like a nano boost, it even is less effective then a supercharger. You can go battle Mercy, is this the proper use?
For me it is just a “better” ability and I would say res has a higher value.


I covered this extensively in the Titanium thread

Look at all of the past megathreads, there’s been a handful of replies none of which remotely discusses a single piece of feedback (e.g. a suggestion or idea). The read post counters also proven by a member showed that they didn’t appear to read most of the megathreads, of which they later on hid their profiles so members couldn’t identify this. Why hide profiles if that wasn’t the case… Also some of the official replies weren’t even in the megathread originally, they were in another thread which eventually got moved into the megathread when the thread was merged.

Again, see above.


Tldr - u suck at the game

You don’t think denying all healing from all sources is not op? When contesting an objective it’s fair to say most of the time a good deal of your resources will be in the fight - she basicaly doesn’t just halve the healing from one source, it negates all the healing from multiple source including road hog. That on top of nano boost which basicaly gives a tank an extra life with extra damage. I don’t advocate for any healer to be streaks ahead of the others.

And why should aiming dictate that a particular healer be more powerfull First off your primary role as a healer should be to heal - so aiming should not be a primary skill in a healer otherwise you may as well play dps - soldier even. I get that some players want more challenge so by all means keep ana’s kit powerfull but don’t restrit other healers just because the method they heal is more efficient. In real life you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, healing people y shooting them in the chaos of battle is hardly an efficient way to heal. So while I can appreciate that persons mechanical skill, they musn’t then come crying when they chose the harder route and failed to outheal a more efficient method of healing (they chose to have a challenge)