Don’t you just hate it when

You get killed by a random hanzo headshot. Being at 10 hp and having a tracer chase you down. Being at 10 hp near a health pack and the enemy sombra says “nope” as she hacks the health pack before you get it and she teabags you to death? Or when you get pile drived by the DANG BALL. Or when your widow doesn’t wanna switch to mei even tho there’s a ball harassing the entire team. Or when your sleep dart gets deflected. Or your pulse bomb. Or your graviton surge. Or when you swear to god IK IK I WAS BEHIND A DANG WALL AND I STILL DIED TO THAT NUKE. Or when your 3 inches ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) away from point and then the game ends and you sit there knowing if you weren’t distracted by that damn hamster a couple minutes ago you could’ve at least contested point. Or when you get rocket punched out of nowhere. Or getting one clipped by a tracer. Or getting tea bagged by a sombra. Oh yeah and when the enemy team has a good sombra yeah that too. Or a good briggite. Or widow. Or when your 5 inches😁 away from a health pack but that damn venom mine still killed you. Or getting one shotted by a pocketed ashe. Or widow. Or when the Brigitte is bullying the entire team. Or when the Mei is walling your team into spawn. Or getting killed by a random sentry. Or getting charged at by a 500 pound German alcoholic. Or getting booped off the map by some musician. Or getting hooked into the well on Nepal. Or when your entire team is getting destroyed and there’s nothing you can do about it . Or when you have 40k on healing but they give the dps moira all the endorsments. Or when anybody spams the I need healing command after they die. But it’s all worth it in the end because there’s nothing better then seeing “VICTORY” on your screen:) hopefully some of these were relatable


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Me likey:)

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You are offically my favourite thread creator on the forums.
Keep it up

You legitmatelly listed all my pet peeves and pet peeves I didnt know I had ;-;
wow I legit was cringing be LIKE " DUD IK THIS FEELING REEEEEEE"

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<333 Glad I’m somebody’s favorite:) and as your favorite blonde guardian angel once said “yor velcome”

I do not particularly hate Mei, Hammond, Widow or Brig… So… Not really? I hate deflect, but not because I shoot ultimates at it. Rofl.

You don’t speak for everybody pal. And well there has to be something that winds your gears :thinking:

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I never said I did? I was just answering the title. But yes, I hate Symmetra. She is basically the only low skill hero that gets insane value just for existing. I would rather deal with a whole team of whatever people complain about nowadays than deal with a half competent Sym.

It’s just your tone then…Whoopsie. And yeah don’t even get me started with sym, holy crap she’s annoying as all hell. Both on defense and attack surprisingly.

When you walk around a corner and see McCree

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Unless you are also McCree… Then you just made a correction.

Maybe your McCree. My McCree does the whole flashbang, roll, then shoot in a wild panic combo. 60% of the time it works everytime.

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