Does Zarya watch DBZ: Abridged?

I have been haunted by this question since the Anniversary event started. Do the heroes usually watch what they’re referencing? Is Moira even a confirmed weeb?

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Considering that most voice lines are not canon, I think they’re just in-game references made by the devs to please the players. The heroes likely don’t know these references, which are 3/4 of a century old by their perspective. Probably safe to say Moira is not a weeb.


I’m still bopping to Asia’s “Wildest Dreams” and I’m 20 living in 2019. Maybe Zarya’s a stretch, but I don’t think 2050 or 2070 are too far in the future for people to still like classic anime.

Do you know if the lore depo has ever confirmed any such things or does that not happen?

It hasn’t been confirmed/denied by the lore team, and probably won’t - they’re pretty selective about what questions get answered. Feel free to ask Chu on his twitter though, you might get lucky.


which one is the DBZ reference?

I like the Pokemon reference: iCHOOSE YOU, SPIRIT DRAGON

The part about the juice:


That was actually a joke they added in the original funimation dub. So maybe she’s just a DBZ fan.