🤔 Does off-season really need to exist?

I’m just wondering what the strategy here is, where Blizzard just kinda shuts off the CP and SR access for a couple days between seasons. It’s not like IRL sports where there are logistics that need to be run in-between; everything’s digital, they could easily have the next season ready by the time the first one ends.

So why the couple days? To mimic IRL sports? To continue their worship of the almighty Tuesday?

Edit: apparantly I’m :clown_face: 'cause they don’t do this anymore. Yike.

pretty sure they got rid of off season?

last time the new season began immediately… i haven’t logged in today yet though

oh, really?

well let me just :clown_face: off then, sorry, didn’t realize.

im not 100 on it, as i haven’t logged in today yet but they slowly shortened the off season and now there is none im pretty sure

Do they still do that? I remember the boys used to complain about it early on before I got the game.

They did it so people feel like they’re actually competing in a legit sport. Obviously we’re not, so you think they’d get rid of it.

Do seasons need to exist at all? No, not really.

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i think its still 2 h long

They shortened it. I’m pretty sure it’s non existent now.

Edit: apparantly I’m :clown_face: 'cause I didn’t read this part. Yike.

Off season is gone now.

:3c /hug dis bananafish x3

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hugs Suko :blush:

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Scroll down to the what’s new section.

See the link above.

your stats are reset every season so your averages are not bogged down by your past seasons performances which would make it alot harder to raise your mmr and climb.

Yeh they got rid of off-season. There wasn’t one for this season either.