Does Nano Boost have a secret effect to it?

I swear everytime I get nano boosted my accuracy increases by 30%
Even if I couldn’t hit anything all game

Probably a mental effect. Pay attention to how you feel and are thinking (or rather not) when those moments happen compared to outside of them.

That’s probably the adrenaline you get irl.

huh, strange, it has the opposite effect for me.

The pressure of this hawt ol gal looking over your shoulder, judging your performance.

If I recall correctly, adrenaline is actually going to hurt your aim more than help it. That good ol ‘fight or flight’ is going to make you shaky and jumpy rather than intense and focused. I think OP just gets into “The Zone” ™ when that happens and they’re noticing the difference.

Whenever I hear genji ult my accuracy decreases by 60% :frowning: